So.... :-D Star Wars next Tuesday and we don't know yet what we will get on July TTT!!!! Like the old times
There has been a lot of leaks, so what do you think we will get?
-Beauty and the Beast: I prefer this set next October for the anniversary (I think is in October, right?) but it's the set with more leaks: Belle, Beast, Lumiere, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip and Phillippe. And I'm sure we will get at least also Gaston (and others...).
-Elliott: I do really need any kind of confirmation we are gonna get Elliott tsum any TTT, but the movie comes in August so probably not yet :-(
-Dr. Facilier... Princess and the Frog set? Villain set? I hope for the first one because I prefer a Villain set with characters missing from past sets (Lady Tremaine and step sisters, Evil Queen and the old Hag, Pete from Mickey House, etc.) and a movie set without a villain it's so sad :-D
-626 Stitch: Ok I have no idea what this leaks could be from

Maybe it's a sub box, maybe it's a carrier bag... Really, no idea.
-Nightmare Christmas leaks... This is probably for Sept - Oct., right? No matter if it's a set or a bag carrier. I prefer the bag because I prefer a new movie set ;-)
-Muppets: We have only Miss Piggy for now but the set can come whenever Disney wants... Or are there any new movie or something?
-Monsters Inc. / University: This is a set confirmed for this year by Clintos but without a date, but it could be July set according to some rumors... It can be easily the biggest set ever with more than 13 characters (Zootropolis) if they release from both movies. I'm afraid I will love this sub box so I prefer they do release this set... never :-D
-Sleeping Beauty: Ok, there is no leaks and actually there are no too much rumors about it except someone who said there was a sub box for the movie for this year but... It's the only movie left with merchandasing (with BatB and Monster) that has not been released yet, their characters are on the game and everyone loves Aurora (and Maleficent) so :-D
What I want, I do really want, it's something we don't see coming, but there are already enough leaks and rumors and confirmations for the rest of the year so...
What do you think? What do you want?