DisneyStore Limited Edition 17" Dolls Discussion
I was really hoping that someone would, and if you do, PLEASE post pictures, I would love to see that!I'm thinking of painting my Auroras lips red
The Fairytale Designer sets were ALWAYS due to ship out in late October - during the pre-order, they warned that they wouldn't shipped out until the week Briar Rose and Prince Phillip went on sale. Not sure why you're worried about that, as Disney pretty much told us that's what they were doing.
As for the 17" Sleeping Beauty dolls... well, I pre-ordered my pink Aurora in the store, so I don't know what the guarantee was for that.
This might be a dumb question but am I allowed to use gift cards on the limited edition dolls? ...I've never used the Disney gift cards before and I was hoping to use one on Tuesday.
I purchased my pink Aurora with a gift card at the store without any problems.
Hiii I'm still not sure in whether or not to get the blue Aurora instead of the pink! I rang my local store and they told me they weren't getting any blue Auroras! I'm in the UK
Yes that is true however Disney stuffed up, they charged people instead and on top of that shipped the set out, had they not messed up then people would not have these issues. As a result of this several people have had orders cancelled and in some cases some received the dolls already. Also if you did order the set make sure disney reactivated your order because when an order is shipped it is closed so a lot of people had their orders closed and in some cases they were reopened but then told that their order was cancelled due to the item no longer being available.
So really it is not about that we want the dolls early it is more about the fact that they were sent early meaning that someone stuffed up big time and Disney is doing a poor job of reconciling their error and in fact causing more issues.
What store was that sara?
Manchester Arndale! I rang them again and I spoke to someone else who wouldn't tell me anything about the dolls guess I will just have to see on the day.
Manchester Arndale! I rang them again and I spoke to someone else who wouldn't tell me anything about the dolls guess I will just have to see on the day.
Someone on DisneyStore's Facebook page said:Can you please explain what is going on with the Designer Fairytale Doll sets that were preordered?I understand a hold was placed on the cards but then instead of releasing it there was a huge stuff up and orders were shipped doing so also resulted in people's orders being closed. However Disney decided that it would be a good idea to recall the dolls out of fear that it would be "too early" to release them but the main problem here is that those that had tracking details sent to them had their orders closed so how did the Disney Store keep a track of those orders.
This has resulted in a lot of distress to everyone that has ordered the set with people having to call in to check in on their orders and ensure they were still active and in some situations people have had their orders cancelled even though they have already been charged for shipping.
To make matters worse some orders that have been shipped overseas have not been able to be recalled and therefore have been delivered so recalling the dolls didn't stop anything as some people were still able to receive their dolls.
Personally for me I have had issues with my address being changed to my US address as opposed to my international one even though I have paid and already been charged for international shipping. On top of that it looks like I was sent another set of designer bags?
I am sorry but for a such a large retailer such as yourselves to make errors like this is just appalling and to be quite frank it is just unacceptable. The fact that no official apology or statement has been made is just wrong. If you really knew your market you would know people have been looking forward to these dolls for months and then to mess things up and then just tell people there is nothing you can do to rectify your mistakes is truly disappointing.
You keep telling people to have a magical day when in fact you are the ones that make our days less magical. Next time come up with a game plan on how to deal with situations like this and keep your staff information of major releases so as to avoid errors like this. Continuing to treat your customers in such a poor manner will only result in the demise of the company which is a shame since the Disney Store really has come a long way over the past few years.
So please get your act together and sort yourselves out, you already know people are willing to spend money on your products so stop making it hard for them to do so. Might I suggest that either you work on rectifying the mess you have made and acknowledge the error as opposed to having people contact you and then not being able to help them, either that or just send the dolls out since it wont make a difference and has result in unnecessary costs incurred by your company to recall the dolls.
Also one last tip, maybe try reading emails that customers send to you as opposed to skimming over it and then answering what you think was asked as opposed to what was actually asked and try helping them out when they call you, if they can take the time to call you i'm sure you can time to help resolve the issue. Again that is just poor customer service to do nothing, come up with a game plan for different scenarios because you guys just keep making the same mistakes as opposed to learning from them.
To whoever wrote this, if you are in the forum, this is us thanking you:
This is surely what we all are thinking.To whoever wrote this, if you are in the forum, this is us thanking you: