Damn, I wish this board had a "like this post" option because you'd get mine! I completely agree with you even though I will be purchasing (or at attempting to) the newest Frozen dolls (and even with a few people boycotting them on principle they WILL sell out not just because they're Frozen but because scalpers see that the 17" dolls are a MUCH more lucrative investment - really, the only designer doll that's still a ridiculously big money maker is the original designer Ariel).
But yes, I am so, SO disappointed that we didn't get a 17" Cruella. I'm not even sure if we'll ever get Mulan and Pocahontas in 17" form because they would just essentially be larger versions of their designer couple doll look. And while the play line dolls of Gogo Tomago and Honey Lemon are fantastic likenesses, I would have LOVED even more detailed 17" LEs for them. I mean, I guess their outfits would be difficult to spruce up as just slapping on rhinestones wouldn't make any sense and their armour wasn't metallic so that would look odd too but, eh, Disney could have done SOMETHING. You know, it really doesn't make Disney look in the best of light when they're completely ignoring the few POC main characters they have in favour of repeating dolls of skinny white girls. The 17" line so far contains ONE. ONE!! No, Ursula and Maleficent don't count
AND ANOTHER THING. Since this Frozen release is showing that Disney can just slap the same character in another outfit and sell them through no problem, I want them to start doing that with other characters.
I want Tiana in her blue dress and tiara she borrows from Charlotte. One that would actually MAKE SENSE for her to have a puckering frog Naveen as an accessory.
I also want a Naveen to go with Tiana.
TWO of him in fact. One in his Bayou outfit to match Tiana's bayou gown and one in his 1920s flapper street clothes, with the adorable cap and his ukulele.
I also want a Charlotte in her massive pink ballgown though I'm not sure if it would fit horizontally in the current display box size
I want another Ariel in her pink dress/with legs. WE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THIS WHEN TLM WAS RELEASED ALONG WITH MERMAID ARIEL TO BEGIN WITH. We would have has the Frozen hype started before TLM was released on bluray. I truly believe the skyrocketing popularity of these dolls post-Frozen is the reason we got both a pink and blue dressed Aurora.
I want an Ursula as Vanessa too. The more villains the merrier!
I want a Belle in her peasant dress, though I'm not sure if that dress can really be spruced up enough to justify making a 17" LE of it. I can't really see slapping rhinestones on it as making much sense...
I want a Cinderella that doesn't suck
And of course all the characters they should have been releasing when they had movie releases, or just for the hell of it (since that's a thing now, unless that's only a thing for Frozen)
Pocahontas (probably won't happen

Mulan (also probably won't happen)
Esmeralda (never gonna happen)
Megara (haha, nope)
Jane (keep dreaming)
Wendy I could personally do without. They use the same body mold for all of these dolls, that is, an adult woman's body with hips and breasts. Wendy is prepubescent and she would just look weird as one of these dolls. You could say they did it for Alice but Alice and the QoH really were very much inspired by the live action Alice in Wonderland where Alice was an adult so until they do a live action Peter Pan with a grown-up Wendy (AND DON'T DOUBT THIS WILL HAPPEN IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS SINCE DISNEY IS PLANNING A LIVE ACTION DUMBO OF ALL THINGS- JUST, WHYYYY?????) she should probably be left out of this line.
Ahhh, I complain so much but at the end of the day Disney still gets a lot of my money. These dolls are always beautiful, even when they're completely unnecessary. Bring on the 3rd!