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Do you give a reason for rejection of a trade?

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Do you give a reason for rejection of a trade?


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Curious because my trades have sometimes been rejected with a simple 'No thanks', but today I got one with an explanation and it hurt because it looked like it was rejected because I was made to feel like I had an inferior pin.

I think a simple 'No thanks' is best, what do you think?
Curious because my trades have sometimes been rejected with a simple 'No thanks', but today I got one with an explanation and it hurt because it looked like it was rejected because I was made to feel like I had an inferior pin.

I think a simple 'No thanks' is best, what do you think?

I think it is suffiecient to say anything, as long as it is kind.

If someone feels that their pin is worht more, they can kindly say they are waiting for another trade and would prefer to keep the pin you would want.

Although the "No Thanks" is always good too. :)

a simple no thanks is fine. if i felt that i needed to know the reason why it was rejected i would ask them. I really don't like a full long detailed explanation of why my pin is not good enough for theirs...it does feel bad. BUT then again there are times when you get the SAME request from the SAME person each week and sometimes you get tired of replying or getting the same request..but all i've done in that case is take the pin off my wants list.
I don't mind a explanation if they are nice about it. That way if I really want the pin and find out they feel my offer is unfair or something, we can try to work something else out. A simple "no thanks" is OK too.
I have given a reason before. And it opened up a can of worms. "No thanks but maybe we can trade in the future" is my usual response now.
I usually try to tell them why, be it that I am already holding that pin for another possible trade, trying to hang on to it for one of my more wanted pins or if I feel the value is different I will say that as well. i try to always be very nice no matter what I say. Trades don't always work but it is no reason to be rude to anyone. Sometimes if you explain why it may help to work out another trade so I had rather know why than to just get the no thanks but either way will do. :)
I have given a reason before. And it opened up a can of worms. "No thanks but maybe we can trade in the future" is my usual response now.

I think you send this to me everyday. lololol Just kidding. Maybe every other day. lolol

I usually say "I will have to pass, thanks". If its a totally lopsided offer (i.e. an OE pin being offered for and Event $95 pin) I try to point that out in a very nice way. I THINK people would want to hear why the Trade was turned down and sometimes its a good learning process for some newbies.

Mike S.
Yes, you're all right. Perhaps it's my interpretation and high expectations of the trade. I'd not consider to ask again to trade for a pin that someone had already said no to. There was no rudeness involved at all but it has upset me more than it should have done. kriscar's 'can of worms' remark is spot on.
I know how you feel, I actually avoid sending out trade requests because I know my traders are nothing special. I think a "no thanks" is okay, but I also don't mind an explanation - as long as it isn't one that feels like I'm being talked down to. I think I'd prefer a reason so I can learn how other traders think :)
I generally say something like -

"Thank you for the trade offer. However, at this time I will pass on the trade. Best of luck to you!"

I have had one person tell me that they would like to "get more" for their pin. Which was fine with me. It opened up a dialogue for us and we spoke back and forth - pleasantly, but never worked out a trade. But we were both kind and respectful.

When I was a newer trader, it kind of hurt my feelings, but not now. If anyone ever wanted to know specifically why I turned them down, I would be happy to tell them if they ask.
i normally appreciate a reason, but just as well, a "no thank you" is fine too. -- the worst is when you just get ignored :p
If if is just a Pinpics TA then I don't give a reason but I usually try to if it is a personal email or PM. It is kind of a catch 22....knowing why may hurt, but if you are constantly being turned down, how will you ever learn why unless someone tells you (they should still be nice about it though in case you are new)?
I generally prefer either no response (won't clog my phone / inbox / et cetera), or a response with a reason (useful information that may lead to a trade being done in the end).

I usually say, Thank you, but will pass this time. Sometimes the person will then send another ta with another pin and sometimes that has worked out. Ya just never know. :)
I like the idea of a reasoned response, since it sometimes leads to a trade that wasn't the original offer. Of course, some people never learned interpersonal skills and can be rude...
I will try to send a counter offer. After all, the initial request is to start negotiations, right? If I can't find something that I feel would be a fair trade, I'll send a polite "decline" message.
Normally, I simply say "Thanks for the pinpics trade request but I will have to pass." Sometimes, if I receive the same trade request multiple times in a short period of time I will offer examples of pins I am looking for a specific pin. Also, if a person askes me why I wont make a trade, I will tell them.


625 to go.
I usually just say "no thanks" but will give a reason if its repeat ask or an out of the ordinary trade request (grail-type).
I send a reply back just to let them know that I cannot make that trade and this time and hopefully we can trade soon. Lots reply and thank me for my reply, I guess it's nice to get a reply to trade even if it is a rejection.
I usually say, thank you, but I will have to pass. The only time I change is if they want to give me a Hidden Mickey for like an LE pin, and then I politely tell them I only trade Hidden Mickeys for other Hidden Mickeys
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