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ZAPPED! Double Zap Day

ZAPPED! Double Zap Day


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Dear Judy had to go through yet another stone removal last Friday, so getting a package from her was the last thing I expected. But lo and behold, there was a package from Judy yesterday in my mail.

Judy's husband Larry, kindly made a CD from our DLR pictures and since that was not enough (!) Judy zapped me with this lovely pin
and totally out of the blue :hsd:

I traded with Rachel (mickeymousje) for the first time and I got her package lightning fast all the way from the Netherlands.

Rachel zapped me not with one, but with 2 cute pins:


Judy and Rachel, thank you so very much for being such sweethearts :)
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Lovely zaps, Selen, and so well deserved! :) Congrats on your new additions and too awesome of mickeymousje and tiggermickey! :bigthumb: