DSF Marquee Question.
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OK, this is the current HOT Theme for "NOW". - DSF Marquees.
The question is what do you consider a Marquee and are you only going for the Grails of this theme? Few are collecting the entire run + any new releases. I see many only going for the, I would say, 9 money Marquees?
Are these considered Marquees? $25-$50ish
Grails everyone is looking for? $150-$500
Honorable to be Grails? $55-$150
HTF based on Traders on Pinpics and in traders pin books? $40-$80
All the other Marquees in the series. $12-$50
If there is a Marquee that is missing in the list above or belongs in an above category, PM me and I will edit the thread.
I just want the marquees for the pins I'm collecting... Unfortunately the 2 I need are the Wall-E and Up marquees so that's most likely a NOT GOING TO HAPPEN kind of thing.
Also to me personally, a marquee is of a movie so the top row wouldn't count.
I just bought a Toy Story 3 marquee for $30, was that a good price?
Well, they aren't super desirable. I have 38 of the ones in that price range and never paid over $40 for any of them. These new collectors are driving the prices up on all the ones they need so some of the harder ones that don't come up often may pull in a little more. I was lucky and started a year ago and got a ton of these low level ones for a decent price. Now I run into the newer folks that are hungry for any marquee, even the lower level ones and over pay. I won't go over a price I set in my head so if they get it for higher than that I am ok with it. I just wish they wouldn't drive the prices up for everything like they are. A lot of these pins never saw north of $50 and even the HTF ones maybe $75. Now it seems $80+ is the norm for the HTF ones and the low-level ones are getting $35-$50 no problem. Confessions of a Shopaholic would never have been more than $25, but since it hasn't sold in forever, I bet it would get $40 plus just because 2 or 3 newbs would fight over it at auction. I tend to see the first one listed goes for 2x what I would expect to pay, then the second goes for 1.8x, then the third for 1.5x. Maybe if it's really good a quick buy-it-now option might get the same price as the one that just sold. I see sellers do that a lot. Watch a pin they have, see what it ends at, and list right away with a buy-it-now at the sale price or even just slightly higher.I rarely see some of the marquees identified in the $15-50 range on the auction site...has anyone actually seen them in person![]()
Just curious, what do you think the Sleeping Beauty marquee would sell for?
There was a Sleeping Beauty that sold in April for 75.00 and one that sold in June for 80.99 on ebay.
There was a Sleeping Beauty that sold in April for 75.00 and one that sold in June for 80.99 on ebay.
I am the person who built the pin group Subjects - El Capitan Theater Hollywood Marquee
When I designed this pin group, I felt the purpose of the marquees was to celebrate the films that were released at the El Capitan. Not just characters; but the films. First and foremost it is a movie theater after all.
That is one of the reason why I include [Pinpics]40484[/Pinpics]: DSF - Sky High The El Capitan Theatre Hollywood. It was the first DSF pin made specifically for a movie (and not necessary a character like the Herbie pins). The Sky High pin serves the same spiritual function, if not in totality, of a marquee. I believe it belongs in the group. There are Marquee collectors who do not like that this pin is included. My advice is if they don't like the pin, then don't worry about it .
For these reason, I also did not include:
*[Pinpics]44776[/Pinpics]: DSF - Pin Trading Event - Marquee (Mickey & Minnie) Mystery Release
*[Pinpics]46918[/Pinpics]: DSF - 80th Anniversary of the El Capitan Theatre (Mickey & Minnie)
*[Pinpics]47541[/Pinpics]: DSF - 1st Anniversary Marquee - Logo (Mickey & Minnie)
*[Pinpics]59107[/Pinpics]: DSF - El Capitan Marquee - Happy New Year 2008 - Chip 'n' Dale (Surprise Release),
* [Pinpics]64744[/Pinpics]: DSF - El Capitan Marquee - Happy New Year 2008 - Chip 'n' Dale (Surprise Release) Pre production/Prototype,
* [Pinpics]79009[/Pinpics]: DSF Marquee Logo Pin and Pin Bag set, Pin 79011: DSF Marquee Logo Pin and Pin Bag set (pin only),
* [Pinpics]79011[/Pinpics]: DSF Marquee Logo Pin and Pin Bag set (pin only),
* [Pinpics]84943[/Pinpics]: DSF - Chip & Dale Sightseeing - At the El Capitan, and
* [Pinpics]90684[/Pinpics]: DSF - Jessica Rabbit Postcard and Pin Set.
In my opinion, these do not celeberate films, but simply are character pins that happen to have a marquee. As such, the do not count as marquees.
This my own personal belief. If you disagree, please add them to your collection; or create a second marquee set pinpics group; or even take over this marquee group.
sincerely yours,
Would you believe I once had the Walle Marquee along with many others and about a year ago, I could not give these pins away. So on this Forum, a member bought mine for, if I remember correctly, about $60? Now look at it. Guess I'm keeping my other ones for now?
Question is cash in now or hold on for it to be even a better trader? HOT last for how long? Disney Dreams Collection come to mind.
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I really need the cars one and would pay fairly high for it....just never see it.
I also need Cars 1, I have an extra Cars 2. I'm thinking the first may be like the Up marquee where the people that took their kids to see the movie bought the pins and there aren't many in the pin trading community. (I really wish pinpics would put an "Owns" count in each pin!) There are 4 trading so it's not as hard to get as say Enchanted with 0 traders. I don't think it should be more than $50-$75 at most but I'm sure the first 2 or 3 that go up will be $85-$125 just because the new marquee collectors will have to have it. I'll wait for 2 digit prices, all pins come up once in a while. The Up marquee was never seen for like a year, then one sells for $500 and then 2 or 3 pop up after. Once someone sees what it can really go for, then they list it if they are happy with the value.
As with my other marquee's for trade, I want marquee for marquee.I need the Cars 2 marquee. Any chance of working out a trade?