DSF Marquee Question.
Would you believe I once had the Walle Marquee along with many others and about a year ago, I could not give these pins away. So on this Forum, a member bought mine for, if I remember correctly, about $60? Now look at it. Guess I'm keeping my other ones for now?
Question is cash in now or hold on for it to be even a better trader? HOT last for how long? Disney Dreams Collection come to mind.
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That happenes with pin trading, i had like 6 of the tangled openning day one when they first got release and trade them away easily in the beggining, and look how highly wanted it became. i was able to trade the one i keep for 2 great LE 100 pins but imagined what i could have got if i had all 6 right now in my hands, lol. oh well, life is full of choices and mine back them was to trade them away, you never know how wanted a pin can become...
i however don't regret trading them away a year ago because they went to really nice people who have helped acquire some of my lion king pins from DSF.