DSF PTD new rule
I don't like this idea. I am trying very hard to collect all the PTD's ( I have around 100 now...yay! ). I can't afford to buy several bags in hopes of getting the pin I want. It's like all those mystery boxes at DLR. You could buy 10 boxes and still not get the pin you want.
I always thought they should offer a pin treaders fruit cup for diabetics.
Pin trader fruit cup... the melons could be mickey shaped.
While I'm not a huge fan of ice cream ( I know I know.. ), I do love soups.
I would not mind Pin Trader Soup Delights.
I always thought they should offer a pin treaders fruit cup for diabetics.
I always thought they should offer a pin treaders fruit cup for diabetics.
make the pin $20 and only one per customer.... lol I bet people would love that!!!