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ZAPPED! FINALLY Able To Do This...Check Out The Pics!!!

ZAPPED! FINALLY Able To Do This...Check Out The Pics!!!


Jessica Rabbit Addict
Rating - 100%
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Mishawaka, IN
Well everyone…let me try this again! I have written this thread five times now and every time I try to submit it, it deletes the whole thing, ugh! LOL! I have also been in and out of the hospital for the past two weeks, postponing this thread even more! How irritating! I did post a prior “Thank You†thread, but due to issues with both my phone and computer, I have been unable to share any pictures! Everything should finally be fixed and I can FINALLY share the photos with my DPF friends and family!!! This is long overdue, and I also need to add an additional “THANK YOU!!!†to another amazing duo on the forums! You all know how to bring a smile when it is needed!

I want to again thank everyone who helped me get home to see my grandma before she passed! She lost her battle with lung cancer in June. Thank you for the support, cheering up, being there and the aide in getting back to Indiana!!! After getting here to see her and being evacuated for the Black Forest wildfire, I decided to move back and be around my long-time friends and family.

With all the craziness in my life the past few months, I am not sure who all I have thanked on here or posted pictures, therefore I am starting back at the beginning of May.

I received an anonymous Birthday zap right around my birthday, which was May 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]. Thank you to the generous person who made my birthday a little more special!!! Not sure who you are, but I greatly appreciate the gift and hope that I have already posted a thank you for your kindness!!!
Here is my birthday zap:

Next, another giant thank you to Dawny!!! She sent an amazing package for my niece, my mom and I, also during May! I took a video of my niece opening her package, but have somehow misplaced it through all that has been happening; she was SO adorable, she was brimming with excitement! My mom will be setting up a DPF account and posting her own thank you thread when she has internet access!!! She is officially a Brave collector thanks to you Dawny!!!
The whole package:

My niece’s pins:

My mom’s pins:

My pins:

Shortly after arriving back in Indiana, I received the cutest zap from Judy! It was anonymous until I was able to break through the many levels of extensive packaging, :lol:! A “Welcome Back To Indiana†zap! Thank you so much Judy; due to the characters on the pins, they ended up being part of my niece’s collection!
Here is what was inside:

Next, I found a package from my dear friends Moe and Rebecca! Thank you very much you two! They are SO beautiful!!! I was so excited when I opened it up and saw the pins in person!!!
Here are the beauties that were inside:This one I managed to get framed, along with the other three of the set that came from Pin-A-Colada

Finally, the new Thank You I owe!!! This goes out to another couple of dear friends David and Amy!!! Thank you both so much!!! I knew that I was going to be getting a lanyard and some pins for my beautiful niece, but the gorgeousness I found inside as a surprise for me was extraordinary!!! As you know, I have been wanting that pin since the day it was released!!!
My niece’s pins/lanyard:

My surprise:

Thank you again to everyone!!! Your kindness means the world to me! I cherish everyone’s friendship greatly! I hope this thread finds all of my DPF friends and family in good health and happy spirits! Hoping to be on here much more now!
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Such awesome zaps. I'm glad you are back home with family. Sorry to hear you've been in the hospital. Feel better my friend and enjoy your pins.
Thank you everyone! I am blessed with so many of you who care and make it possible for me to post a thread such as this one!

Suzzie: I appreciate that, I am going to have part of my colon removed and then I hopefully should not have to worry about any of this again!!!