Open Game: Free Interactive Game

i don't know what i did wrong but i checked all LE tinks 300 and below and got nothing but a couple angry tinks looking the wrong direction. I'm done for now. Have fun everyone :)
Anyone know if you can actually filter by price on PP?
I think perhaps try to guestimate maybe a year for the price of the potential pin? For example: you have the backer card for a pin that came out in 2008 that is LE and says 10.95 or something to this effect? Some of these are DAAAAANG tough - my brain hurts... maybe if I use the force I can finish before bed lol!
I think perhaps try to guestimate maybe a year for the price of the potential pin? For example: you have the backer card for a pin that came out in 2008 that is LE and says 10.95 or something to this effect? Some of these are DAAAAANG tough - my brain hurts... maybe if I use the force I can finish before bed lol!

Not much good for prices. Too common a price for LE pins, really. Have you got 11 and 13?
I think I've come down on a decision about 13. . . onto 11!
13 I did find quickly after the hint. I'm trying to work out 1, 2, 7, and 11. I had a strong inkling that all of these pins were in @CanaDaLE account on PinPics so it's fun to see that I was correct... and slightly mad I didn't figure that out for the first couple rounds of puzzles. Life would have been so much easier lol!
Final clue. All pins are in my Pinpics. Just made my profile public
Best clue by far. I only found about 10 before going blind and starting to give up. After this clue - plowed through rest in less than 30 minutes. sending PM

And I have to agree with @GroguFan - found some new ones for my list.
Final clue. All pins are in my Pinpics. Just made my profile public
Thanks for that! Sis and I had so much fun with this one. We each went to be last night with one left . . . and waking up to that final clue was perfect. Just sent in my PM!
This was so much fun!! I think Grogu is a bit tired from all these pictures, though.

Thanks for that! Sis and I had so much fun with this one. We each went to be last night with one left . . . and waking up to that final clue was perfect. Just sent in my PM!
This was so much fun!! I think Grogu is a bit tired from all these pictures, though.

Oh this Grogu is too cute for words! Totally agree - the last clue helped confirm some ideas I had doubts about! I did like this challenge a lot more than some of the others though. Good luck with the next challenge!
Week 3, 3rd Challenge

its ZAP time…..

there are 22 players including yourself. I will give 2 points for every 3 players ZAPPED

3 players = 2 points
6 players = 4 points
9 players = 6 points
12 players = 8 points
15 players = 10 points
18 players = 12 points
all players = 15 points (1 extra to be different)

Let me know how many before June 24 @ 11am MST.

ZAPS must be mailed out by June 30th (hopefully enough time). ZAPS can be anything you’d like to send.