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Frozen Disney Store Merchandise, What are you looking forward to? (Contains Spoilers)

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the snowglobe is so beautiful!

and the snowflake is my favourite pin so far, I hope to get it one day.

quick question, does anyone know if you can use more than one discount code at a time or is it one per purchase?

I think it depends on what type of discount code it is. I think you can apply a personal discount and a promotional code (FB, newsletter codes etc) but not two personal ones or two promotional ones. I hope that makes sense.
I think it depends on what type of discount code it is. I think you can apply a personal discount and a promotional code (FB, newsletter codes etc) but not two personal ones or two promotional ones. I hope that makes sense.

I can confirm that. Friday I ordered from the Store and got to use a free shipping code (for an item out of stock at the Store itself) as well as the new 25% off code. So a personal and promotional.
Ihttp://www.disneycentralplaza.com/t38963-la-reine-des-neiges. Singing Anna. Have to scroll down a bit. So her chest lights up?

Thanks to Pupuce for letting us know about Disney Central Plaza. I have been reading the French forums--I took French in high school and college. I may not know every word, but I can get the gist. :)

I'm glad you enjour the french forum ^^

yes , her chest lights up

I've been reading that French forum for a few years now, too. But mostly for things about cast members or pins haha :)
It's good because it gives another point of view to the one that we find here !

- also -

I'm not sure i like the light up chest....
I'm not sure I like the light-up elements of the Frozen dolls either; however, I don't debox, so it won't be a big deal. Well, the fact that they are $40 instead of $30 (because of the light-up element) is a bummer. Guess I will hope for a $20 sale on these.
I'm not sure I like the light-up elements of the Frozen dolls either; however, I don't debox, so it won't be a big deal. Well, the fact that they are $40 instead of $30 (because of the light-up element) is a bummer. Guess I will hope for a $20 sale on these.

I'm also waiting for the Singing dolls to go on sale :p
I think if I get the LE's, then I'd like to have singing Anna for sure since she's in a different dress. Shoot who am I kidding, I want both singing dolls because I don't debox, so I need some to play with! ;)
I don't debox either which is my concern with the singing dolls because they are motion censored. If I can't open the packaging without breaking it, I am not sure if I will get them. The constant singing would drive my husband insane! :roll: lol.
^^I have the Elsa singing doll and like the other singing dolls theres a little switch on her left hip that'll turn her off! I believe you can reach your finger in the little slot in the front and turn it off if you wanted to
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I don't debox either which is my concern with the singing dolls because they are motion censored. If I can't open the packaging without breaking it, I am not sure if I will get them. The constant singing would drive my husband insane! :roll: lol.
they should have a tab at the top of the box at the back if you get me. That means they only song if you pull this or someone in store has already done so. That way you don't have to debox and it won't sing if that's any good lol
It's so soon until the movie is released! Well it's December 6th for me... Gonna have to stay away from this thread after the 20th to avoid spoilers :lol:
Out of curiosity, does anyone have an extra Frozen Jumbo pin that they would be willing to trade or sell for a reasonable price? I really want that pin and I can't believe that there was someone who was able to purchase 10. Anyway, if anyone has an extra one, I would really appreciate it. :)
Yep.. very disappointed in Elsa... The 12" doll has more snow flakes on her cape than this LE 17" Doll... Anna on the other hand is perfect. All you need to do with her is cut off that hair and braid and it behind her bangs.

I've decided to get my friend both of them... Hope she doesn't get mad..

While Anna's face mold is perfect, I don't think she has freckles on her shoulders.
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Yep.. very disappointed in Elsa... The 12" doll has more snow flakes on her cape than this LE 17" Doll... Anna on the other hand is perfect. All you need to do with her is cut off that hair and braid and it behind her bangs.

I've decided to get my friend both of them... Hope she doesn't get mad..

While Anna's face mold is perfect, I don't think she has freckles on her shoulders.

she does, there's lots of high def pictures with people freaking out about it on tumblr.
I am so looking forward to getting these two dolls cant believe we still have over a week to wait before we can get them.

I am sure they will be amazing regardless. I think they both look stunning, I do agree that I sort of wish that they put both characters in their outfits that matched i.e either the snow gear and snow queen outfit or both girls in their coronation outfit. Because it does look a little odd when they are together because Anna does look more formal that Elsa but I do think that they do compliment each other in terms of color and look as they probably would have blended together a bit if Elsa was also in her snow gear with the blue and purple.

Again I want to reserve judgement on these dolls because as we have learned in the past until we actually get the dolls and see what they are like in person we really dont know what to expect, I remember a lot of people did not like the darker tone of Ariel's fin and the large scales but she has turned out to be one of the most favoured dolls in the series so far. But for me based on the pictures I have seen so far I think they look amazing and their outfits whilst not perfect still look like they do in the movie. I think for me the only thing I still cant get over it Anna's hair? Just not sure what is with the thin ponytail as she clearly doesnt have it in the movie and is something Disney could have just done without and done the braid in the hair instead.

Maybe that would have been too difficult or time consuming to do so they went with the ponytail to keep it simple but relatively similar to the movie.

Just a bit over a week to go for the final LE doll release for the year! Cannot wait! I am rearing and ready to go for this release haha.
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