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Future Traders Campaign

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Future Traders Campaign


Collector of Pins
Rating - 84.6%
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Northern California
Hey Everyone!!!

So I came up with a little nifty idea that may have or not been done yet! Its called the Future Traders Campaign!
It is the Idea that I get a group of people that go to DL at different times of the year and they each maybe put aside 30 pins every time and kind of act like Employees ( by that i mean anything goes for a kid under 16) Anytime a kid under the age 16 comes up to the tables you go out of your way to help them understand the higher levels of pin trading and maybe even offer them a trade with the 30 pins you have set aside. If they want a pin in the 30 then you have to trade it to them! Im not saying throw out your le 100s and your best pins but just put pins out there. I remember the first time i took a swing at the tables. I was rejected multiple times and wanted to give up pin trading. Then I met a person I never will forget. Susan or aka Cinderella12! She gave me a LE 300 Figment Badge and Told me all the insider trading terms and by the end of the I had acquired 4 new pins and became addicted almost.
I have 100 pins now specifically set aside for children and preteens under the age of 16 and I have given away almost 25 pins. There are about 5 kids that I'm still in touch with that have became avid pin traders! And we trade all the time!!
So all I'm asking is be a SUSAN!!!

Wow, I love this idea! It's so important to keep Pin Trading what it was meant to be: a fun hobby for all of us young and young at heart folks who love Disney and for us to all be in it together forming friendships and helping each other out. Wish I lived anywhere near a Park to be able to take part, but I hope some of you will!
I like this idea, but I don't think I go to the parks enough, and I've never traded at the tables, only with cast members.

Went to Downtown Disney on Monday night, and saw this one little girl (couldn't have been more than six years old) walking around from cast member to cast member trading her ONE pin. It was so cute. I kneeled down next to her and asked if she liked any of the pins on my lanyard. She looked them over and said "Oooohhh, YES!" and I asked her which one. She pointed to a Christmas pin featuring Mickey and Minnie and I quickly pulled it off my lanyard and handed it to her. She immediately said "Oh, thank you!" and handed me her one pin, but I told her to keep them both and have a good time trading. She was so happy! It really made my night.
well I am 13 an already tradding on my own :lol: I have recruted one trader! lol! either way I think this is a good idea and am always happy when I meet another teen trader haha!
I have been doing this since I started. I love it! The little ones, and actually big ones too.

Whoever comes up and asks, with a sincere motive, gets a pin and lots of information. I am not at he parks trying to get pins to sell on Ebay...you can check my user name, but I am there to meet and encourage people to keep up the fun!

I love seeing the smile on a little one's face or even an adult who is young at heart! It is the Disney way!

It IS better to givem then to receive!!!

What a great thought!

Fortunately, Cat and I have already been doing this at every oppurtunity we get. We like to spread the word of Pin Trading when random people come to look at our folders. We tell them how editions sizes go, what pin trading entails, Advice on how to start their journey of pin trading, giving them details on releases at DSF..or telling them about places like WDI and the Pin Trading Nights at Disneyland.

I remember when we were noobs and we were rejected when we would come to the tables with our Hidden Mickeys!! I wish someone was gracious enough like Susan to take the time to explain things to us. But u know what, no hard feelings..we just use that experience as motivation to teach others that are new to this hobby and give them as much advice as possible!

Bob & Cat
What is this? no ranting or complaining?? im not used to this LOL... :shock:

I think is is the quintessential basis for all pin trading. I dont go to the parks alot being from NY but when i do go
I always have pins ready to go for the young ones. (except JC ie. Mojoscout) he gets no pins.. muahhhhhh! :suspect:

I remember the last time we were at disneyland and there were some not so nice traders at the tables outside the park. These funny little kids were staring at pins and lanyards and when they got to me I offered them to trade off my lanyard or look in my book. Little did i know the little boy was a pin shark LOL, The little girl took a princess pin and gave me a starter pin but the little boy went right for my LE 250 Chip and Dale. I said ok fine what would you like to trade for it. He looks right at me and said " i dont have anything on me that i would offer for it, I like my lanyard pins more". I like died from that and the kids mother covered her face. lol That was some fun. I ended up giving him the pin and then had to give the little girl a free pin too. I learned my lesson that time.

These kids using their cute little faces to get freebies!
I think it is a good idea and you dont have to live near the parks to do it.

Happy trades

That is such an amazing story!!! I love it!
I like this post! Alot of posts lately have been making me nervous about what I have gotten myself and mostly my son into. I want my son to have a positive experience with pin trading. I hope people will be nice to him, he is five he is not looking at the monetary value of a pin, just what he likes, his keepers are priceless to him. He is so excited to trade with someone, I would hate it to be a bad experience. but we will see Disney is in 2 months.

By the way I would never expect someone to trade an LE to him for a rack pin,just because he is a kid. Just have a bunch pins for kids/adults that they would trade pin for pin. Thank you for all who do that!!
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I always have a lanyard on with pins I would trade pin for pin. Any time a child asks to trade it is always a yes. When they ask what I like it is always the same answer what ever you want to trade. I also make sure to teach them a thing or two that I have learned.(mainly because that is all I know. LOL)(I'm still new) I always make sure that it is ok with the parents also. I have given away many pins to those that new nothing about trading just to get them started. I have had little and there mothers give me hugs. That is worth more than anything in my opinion.
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