Gadget from Cheddar to the Rescue #31358

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Gadget from Cheddar to the Rescue #31358


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Does anyone know if Gadget #31358 was ever marked with the year 2005? I am new to pin collecting, and on Pinpics it says this was a LE50 at a 2004 Adventure in Pin Trading event. Is this pin a fake if it is marked 2005?
I'm not sure exactly as I don't have the original, but I do know I've seen this pop up a lot on the Evil Bay. So being an LE 50, that's not a super good sign. With something like this, my motto is always "if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't."

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I don't have the pin either, but if you look in the description on Pinpics it says "The back read the following: [2004 Pin Trading Logo] LIMITED TO 50 © DISNEY MADE IN CHINA" So going from that I'd say the pin with 2005 is definitely fake.
That pin set is my Rescue Rangers holy grail. That Gadget pin is HIGHLY faked/scrapped. Unless it comes in the original framed set with the other pins, I would not trust it.
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