Getting my grail for my birthday!!!
Before I really even knew about pin trading, I spotted this Haunted Mansion framed set at DLR and wanted it badly! I would walk past Westward Ho and stop to admire it. I didn't even realize there were other pins in there at the time (or if I did, I don't remember it) I just really liked this set, but didn't want to spend the money to get it. Well, I just found out that my wife bought it for me for my birthday! Here it is on PinPics:
Pin 70098: DLR - Haunted Mansion O'Pin House: Framed Pin Set
I can't wait until it gets here and I can hang it up on the wall (which is the other thing she offered for my birthday, as up to this point she hasn't allowed me to display our pins, even though I've already framed a bunch of them,
). Anyway, I'm not doing the "Happy Grail Dance" because I don't dance, but I am really excited about it, and had to come share! Woohoo!!!