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Getting Real About the Designer Couples Set

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Getting Real About the Designer Couples Set


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While there doesn't seem to be an overly large panic going on regarding the release, the alarming eBay prices as well some panic buying got me to thinking about this set, and I felt that a few things should maybe be pointed out and discussed.

Please note: Most of these points have been brought up already, but I wanted to gather them and look at some stats. Also, let's keep it civil. This is a calm discussion on rarity and value (perceived and real)- it's not worth getting angry over.

So far, we are seeing prices in the $1,000+ range. Let's talk about why these prices are ridiculous, and no one should be panic buying at these prices.

These resell prices are either based on the previous Designer Princess set, or designed to pay for their passes into the event. I can't imagined what else they would be basing them off of at those prices.

If they're basing them on the previous Designer set:

-They're comparing a 10 pin set to a 5 pin set.

-This set is LE 250 compared to the previous LE 150. There are 100 more of these sets out there, making them less rare.

-There is less excitement over this set- fewer movies means those collectors can bow out, and the overall art and themeing has gotten mixed reviews.

-Disney kept the price at $200, which means each pin is retail of $40. That's already a huge chunk of change for a LE 250. Sorry, resellers, but Disney knew what the deal was, and took a chunk out of your cut.

If they're pricing them to pay for the cost of going:

-Asking for $1,500 for a $200 set is a 650% mark-up! That takes each pin from $40 to $300, on release weekend! That MIGHT be the price each of them settles into in 2-5 years...but even then, with them being LE 250s, I doubt it! Even looking at most of our Grails, $300 pins are rare...

-I have no trouble with making a profit to cover some of your costs, but expecting a single purchase to pay your entire way is kind of shady. And I hope nobody pays those prices...

In the long run, people are going to decide their own prices and value to themselves. But I would hate to see people throwing down this kind of money when sellers are basing their prices on the CURRENT (2 years later) price of a rarer set with more pins. They're speculating future prices, and ones that I don't feel they'll reach anyway.

If my super rare Disney Auctions LE 100s eventually can show up for reasonable prices, so can these pins. Don't let the Rapunzel phenomenon scare you into thinking you should overpay lest the prices go higher...because I'm not sure they could go higher than this.

Before people ask, I feel a fair starting price for release weekend would be double, maybe a little over double. So $80-100 per pin, sets at $400-$500. Or they could just list it Auction Style and let everyone start a bidding war over it. That's what a SMART reseller would do with those insane BINs sitting there. IMO.
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+1,000. I could not have said it better myself.

People, the SECOND one of us buys a set at these prices, that is when sellers will go bananas and think that is what they are "worth" when they are clearly not. It takes a community to establish prices, and the sooner we all decide to keep our heads held high and our wallets secure, the longer the prices will stay at a more "reasonable" cost.
This thread is definitely a great one. It isn't only the resellers who are trying to capitalize on the popularity of this set, but Disney themselves. Disney kept the "Designer" tag on these to make people think they were associated with the past 2 sets when, by style, you can easily see that this set is not like the past 2. Sure these pins were "designed" and thus can be called "Designers" but they should not be associated with the past 2 sets, both of which had a VERY different style to them.

Sadly, many of the sets have already sold for $1000-$1200 (I have yet to see it go any higher) so I think any reseller (or seller in general) will set the price there. I'm not saying it cannot go down (it probably will) but I'd be hard pressed to ever see it go below $800 at this point purely because I think seller will use that $1000 price tag as justification to keep it high.

There is nothing we can do about it now, the release was handled terribly but that's a whole other discussion. I agree with the "double" being fair ^_^
Yeah, I mean, I want the set, too, but I'll be waiting. Especially with the pin event coming up... the trade potential is going to be good at an event that large.
Sadly, many of the sets have already sold for $1000-$1200 (I have yet to see it go any higher) so I think any reseller (or seller in general) will set the price there.

I have seen one sale at a whopping $1500. Maybe it was an actual sale, or maybe it was staged to lead others to believe "OMG .. I better buy quick!" Who knows?
I have seen one sale at a whopping $1500. Maybe it was an actual sale, or maybe it was staged to lead others to believe "OMG .. I better buy quick!" Who knows?

I saw that but I was very unsure about considering since then, not one has sold anywhere near that...but it's possible someone out there just wanted that one very badly...
I believe, (but could be wrong) the same artist who did previous designer sets did this one as well. so technically they ARE part of the continuous series. The artwork, while different from the other designer sets, is still absolutely lovely. And I think that folks collecting all designers will be happy. Even though it does look different. Can't make all of the dresses look too much alike or folks would be unhappy with that as well.

While the "for sale" prices on eBay are around 1500, i know that many of those already sold last night were for OBO, rather than listed price.. in one case for $900... To me, this set, based on previous pins will average out to $150-200 per pin in the future.

Thank you for posting this everyone should take in a few deep yoga breaths and relax. No need to get stressed this always happens when there's a release, for whatever it may be. It's insane at first, then it drops, but only if a majority of the people interested don't feel panicked. Just don't give resellers an outlet to overprice.
heres a side by side of the sets from pinpics...


putting them up singly for better comparison

I think pin for pin, side by side, the set looks great with the others.

Cant wait to see displays of all designers next to eachother for real...
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+1, but especially for the deep yoga breaths and "this always happens when there's a release."

I think there's always so much speculation and HYPING from the communities that by the time the pins/dolls/collectible comes out, everyone is exhausted and fighting with one another whether it's over price, availability, lines, how a release was handled etc. I have to say, I've tried my best to totally avoid all of the threads about this release, and not becuase I don't want my doll and my pin and all the trimmings. I've been really frustrated by what seems like the same thing being said over and over and over and usually being said by individuals who themselves are speculating and who aren't armed with official knowledge. Between the outrageous cost and the outrageous speculation, I've been totally burned out. I had a moment where I was so fed up with this release that I almost forgot how beautiful the collection was. I wanted to go back to admiring the set for what it is: a little work of art and I found that only by avoiding the speculation threads was I able to do that.

Sorry to have gone off topic from the issue at hand, but I would encourage everyone to stop for just a moment, take a deep breath and just admire the collection before diving off into wanted threads, "I NEED...," "I WANT...," "I MUST HAVE...," -- I am a firm believer of pins landing in collectors hands, it's just a matter of patience, tenacity and timing. Resellers will always resell, but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself: is this worth it to ME? Can I afford this and am I COMFORTABLE spending this much for this pin/set?

And that is my two cents. *hops off soapbox*
They are already in Pinpics for those who want to add them to their wants

J'aimie your new avatar is cute.
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Me thinks i need to do a "series discussion" of all the designer sets together... moooowaaaaaaah maybe next week after the hype dies a bit on these.

I like this set, and if I collected princesses for myself i might want them, but i am not going to pay that much for a pin set for my 4 yr old.....
I completely agree I love rapunzel and would love love love to have her in my collection but not for those prices. I mean 2500.00 for a 5 pin set thats only Le 250 when designer princess set of 10 le 150 last sold for 1500.00 and designer villans of 6 pins le 200 has been sitting on the bay for 800.00 idk i find it crazy in my opinion.

I could not agree with you more. Finally someone with some excellent sense - kudos to you.
Just because I love to play the other side of the fence. I don't think $1000 is that bad of a price. If you think about them individually.
They will eventually settle around these prices:

Snow White $150
Jasmine $150
BATB $200
Little Merm $200
Tangled $400

That is $1100...so even if Rapunzel doesnt break the $300 mark your still at $1000. Now the $2500 price...that is rediculous.
If you have a smart phone or tablet, be sure to show disneystore.com higher ups that are there the closed auctions.
There is a set being auctioned and it might reach the $!000 price or go over it :sad:

It was the hype and limited availability to regular D23 members that might have cause this crazy prices!
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someone on ebay needs to break up a set and auction them individually to see what they are really doing.

Bingo! That might not be a good thing because I suspect that will push the price even higher for the set. Simple supply and demand. The rational behind it being " i'll pay $200+ for one instead of paying $1000. I save myself $800."
There is a set being auctioned and it might reach the $!000 price or go over it :sad:

It was the hype and limited availability to regular D23 members that might have cause this crazy prices!

I see that...jeez, louise, I would love to know who the heck is buying those sets at these prices! Are they just not doing the math?
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