Haunted Mansion 45th Anniversary

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What does this mean exactly? Now we all know that the Mansion's anniversary is in August... but why is that 'Materializing August 2014' situated directly above the concept art of the Hatbox Ghost? Wait could this mean... no surely not... but perhaps? No no, they're just messing with us Mansion fans again!

But of course it would be just my luck that now I can't go in August, Hattie will be put back in the Mansion. :(
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Happy Haunt, I'm so glad you posted a photo of the Disney Gallery cubicle artwork!! Ever since I saw that in the gallery a few weeks ago, I was hoping someone would post! I don't own a camera right now of ANY kind! Including phone! Are you on Doombuggies.com by chance? Can you post the photo over there too? Thanks!
Happy Haunt, I'm so glad you posted a photo of the Disney Gallery cubicle artwork!! Ever since I saw that in the gallery a few weeks ago, I was hoping someone would post! I don't own a camera right now of ANY kind! Including phone! Are you on Doombuggies.com by chance? Can you post the photo over there too? Thanks!

Oh I found it at MiceChat actually, where somebody there had found it on twitter. I do have an old account on Doombuggies.com but I'm currently not posting there (was planning on starting a new account anyhow). You could just copy/paste it and post it there yourself of course. :) And no problem; found it today and thought it might be of interest! Really want to know what it means.
Oooh, enticing picture! Though since they've been teasing us with Hattie, maybe we can have merchandise with some of the other cool ghouls?

I need to win the lottery.
Apparently its not for Hattie's return... its just some art prints or something. Really they need to explain things better, otherwise Mansion fans will keep going crazy over vague mentions like this.
I'm not surprised at all... the amount of times there's been rumors of Hattie's return... should I mention that purple sheet in the attic?

The Hatbox Ghost is still elusive it seems, and perhaps... that's how they want it to stay. The myth about him is enough to get folks to buy merchandise. But really... I would only want him back in the ride if he looked liked his original self... I don't mean the exact same animatronic, same pose, or any of that... (I fully acknowledge if they do put him back in the ride he will be updated) I mean I still want him to look like Hattie. The animatronic they had at D23 was impressive... but it didn't really seem like him. He's meant to be hunched over with a wobbly cane etc. If they ever do make that new movie... I really hope Hattie is done right.
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Also just wanted to say; if anybody finds out any more information on the Mansion's anniversary please do post it here. :)
Yes, there is going to be a Haunted Mansion 45th Merchandise event at Disneyland in the Disney Gallery. It will be low key like the Mechanical Kingdom event. I personally know a few artist who have been commissioned to create collectables and art work for the event. I understand that, also like the Mechanical Kingdom event, It won't be limited editions - although a famous Disney artist IS making an art shadow box that is limited. The date isn't announced yet, but Aug 9th is the anniversary date. As seen in the above posted picture, it says materializing in August 2014. BTW, the Doone Burke HM purse is back in stock at Disneyland in many locations so do not pay those stupid ebay prices. They are being sold at Vault 28, World of Disney, Clothers, and Jack Skellington Store in New Orleans. Try to call DelievEARS if you live out of state. We got our yesterday and they seemed to have a good back stock.
Yes, there is going to be a Haunted Mansion 45th Merchandise event at Disneyland in the Disney Gallery. It will be low key like the Mechanical Kingdom event. I personally know a few artist who have been commissioned to create collectables and art work for the event. I understand that, also like the Mechanical Kingdom event, It won't be limited editions - although a famous Disney artist IS making an art shadow box that is limited. The date isn't announced yet, but Aug 9th is the anniversary date. As seen in the above posted picture, it says materializing in August 2014. BTW, the Doone Burke HM purse is back in stock at Disneyland in many locations so do not pay those stupid ebay prices. They are being sold at Vault 28, World of Disney, Clothers, and Jack Skellington Store in New Orleans. Try to call DelievEARS if you live out of state. We got our yesterday and they seemed to have a good back stock.

Thanks for the information. I was pretty sure there wouldn't be a full event for the 45th... just have to wait for the 50th.
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