Have you ever had Pin Regret??
OHH man i regret selling ALMOST ALL my good pins.... I started in 2006 i had a lof of DSF pins i miss my WIR marquee TRON tooand my amazing UP valentines set plus many more
I have so many trading regrets that I have a really hard time trading at all, higher value pins, I just think, what if I don't make a smart trade, what if that pin is more valuable in the future, what if I can buy it later on for less than what I traded it for. I guess that's why it's taken me so long to get into the trading thing at all. Buying pins is so much safer, I set a price limit and no matter how much I want the pin, I TRY to stick to it, sometimes not as well as I'd like, but then again it's hard to watch a grail slip by, I'm still upset that I waited to bid on that Little Hiawatha lot, some of those pins have never showed up anywhere.
This and some of them became so whiney when a new pin came out it just got old and I dropped listening to them whine.
Not yet but I haven't traded yet.
Ditto.I think people get frustrated with me because I have to think long and hard to make a decision.
Ditto.I think people get frustrated with me because I have to think long and hard to make a decision.
How old are they if they are that hard to get? :0
Not that old, 2011, 2011, 2009 & 2005. I think prettier pins are just harder to part with.