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How To Prepare: Piece of Disney Movies - The Lion King

How To Prepare: Piece of Disney Movies - The Lion King


The Princess and her Frog
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Howdy Howdy Howdy.

This will be our OFFICIAL First PODM release and because the Lion King is popular amongst traders, what should we expect? Where should we check? Best places to go? Expextations and forecast of this release? Will the release be average or above average compared to other movies?

Were going to buy just two. So taking advantage wont be an issue. The pins will be for us (Maybe a trading pin for me). But with many of the DPF members here who live close and have seen releases of these pins first hand, how should we go into doing this? We thank any comments and concerns and replies that are left on this thread and we thank you for your time!

Get your shield's and sharpen your sticks because your going to need them. (lol)
The little mermaid PODM was my first try at these releases ( I went at 7 am and didn't get one ) ((still heartbroken))
Most people do the magic morning opportunity. But its stupid to have to spend the night at the hotel JUST for a pin. Only thing I really advise is go get there EXTREAMLY early. And be ready to run from one pin place to another. Lol
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For just 2 pins you will be fine. Get there as early as you can and stand at the gate. Then run straight to either Little Green Men (Store Command) or Westward Ho. If they let you in a few minutes early you can try the emporium, but usually magic morning people by out Emporium before the general public can get in. After LGM and W.H. you can try Masquerade or Toon Town. You can also skip LGM and W.H. and just go wait for Masquerade or Toon Town. They open later than the first two so if you skip those and go straight to the others you may have a better shot. Most want more than 2 so they try to do the full circuit.
Also, you can alwasy just wander around World of Disney after the initial wave. Sometimes they slow roll their release an hour or so after so the pin sharks go away.
I'd avoid Down Town Disney unless you want to wait really long hours. That line always starts super early and is the first stop for the people trying to get 6,8,10 of these.
I will be going down to WDW August 11th. Will I even have a shot at one of these? Do they stock like 3 or 4 at a time? I am assuming not all 2,000 will be out between both parks ( WDW and DLR)

Or am I screwed? lol
WDW is a very calm environment compared to Disneyland. Mostly due to WDW getting 1500 and DLR getting 500. Should be a breeze at WDW if you are going to be there for the release
Your screwed. Your better off pre-ordering off someone. At least at Disneyland I went every day a week after the little mermaid one was sold to see if any left overs were there or if anyone brought any back. Nope. :/
Any pointers for someone (me! :lol who won't have an annual pass/won't be going into the actual park for the pins?

Also, the person accompanying me totally isn't willing to get there any earlier than like, 6AM-ish... am I done for? :lol:
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Is anyone willing to buy me one? I was hoping to go down there myself but won't be able to. I'm willing to pay for the pin and shipping. Thanks!
I did the Tangled PODM, which was apparently the "craziest" release ever but I did it...the completely relaxed way. I hung out, got a coffee, waited for the gates to open and spoke with an elderly woman and her daughter about when Disney first opened and stuff. When the park opened, I went straight to LGM and waited in line there, where Cast Members helped me out. There were quite a few people there who were having panic attacks (I remember I gave someone a water bottle) but I just stood in line (yeah an older lady did cut in front of me :\) but I was able to come out with four Tangled pins and save a spot for my friend to get two. I even chatted with the cast members and they helped me find the scenes I wanted! Right next to me, there was a group of people arguing with cm's about what scenes they could get (or something like that)

In my opinion, releases are what you make of them. If you're going in a panic, you probably won't have that good of a time. While I do want the Lion King PODMs, I mainly just want to go with my sister and have fun (my sister wants one so she can trade for an aladdin podm for herself, haha).

Now my question is, where are most the Pin traders going for this release? I know DTD is still a hot spot, but Are they still gonna go to Westward Ho or LGM now that that area is popular? :O
I think people are blowing this out of proportion! I arrived at 8 am for tangled and was able to get them EASILY. I even got there at like 8:30 for Little mermaid and was able to get them everywhere including Pin traders at down town disney.
I think people are blowing this out of proportion! I arrived at 8 am for tangled and was able to get them EASILY. I even got there at like 8:30 for Little mermaid and was able to get them everywhere including Pin traders at down town disney.

You guys are making me feel a lot better about this! :lol: <3
Do any of you know if someone is taking pre-orders for the PODM pins? I'm blacked out, and still having a hard time convincing my parents to drive up super early to DTD for a pin. They just don't understand! Teehee
Really? that crazy even for this pin? I'm at the mercy of pre-sellers or ebay ...

So, I know Im flying over for BATB when it comes out...I guess it would be best to stay at a Disney hotel for the night even if I have family there, anyone want to make plans to split a room for the magic morning during that time?? and how many do you get per stay??... lol... This hobby is getting expensive
Do we know what day BatB is going to be released? Thanksgiving or the Thursday after? Either day, I'll be there as I have both days off from work.
I don't think Lion King will be as popular at Tangled or Little Mermaid but it will still be popular. If you show up for the park opening you are fine. Those sending people that don't have passes, I'd tell them to wait at World of Disney pin counter all morning until they bring them out there. They can try DTD first, see what the line is, then go to WoD. I am pretty sure you can show up and ride the tram in and still get them easily. I did that for LM.
I will just try to see if there are any when I go down. Probably not but that is my only option unless someone will take a preorder for me
At WDW things are really calm. At least, it was until the last 2. We'll see if the quicker sell-out of Tangled/Little Mermaid were the start of a trend, or just due to the popularity of those movies. I bought my Aladdin scenes on Friday afternoon at Epcot and still got great ones (pics are in the post your Aladdin PODM thread). Most people go to Downtown Disney, I think they get the most. If you don't go there, I would recommend either Epcot (Pin Central) or Animal Kingdom (Island Mercantile). MK and the Studios seem to sell out of their allotment quicker. Certainly, if you go when the shops open you will be fine. You should be fine if you go later in the day too.