I don't know Bill. I will ask Li who is the go to person around here. Maybe it has changed. Thank you for that info.
i do not see anything about why we can not use or share the pics and info we gave pin pics. If it's a all free site that is all user made. Why would pin pics try to bully people that want to track there pins on other sites also.
also no info as to why members got banned just for talking about things. We learn from talking and often people begin to think things are not on the up and up when people can't talk without fear of reprisal.
As a long time trader and collector as well as a volunteer for pinpics, perhaps I am the one who should be in this conversation. I was here when everything blew up and as I have learned from many years on this planet, there are two sides to every story. Some people on here chose to let people believe things that were not true. There was a lot of very negative and ugly stuff said here at DPF about the people and owners of pinpics. As I have gotten to know these people I have learned that as you might imagine when they were being attacked they became withdrawn. People at that time were not about to listen because they knew that so and so was banned for something and somebody else was banned for looking here.
So here are some facts, were people blocked from their accounts? Yes for a period of time. I am told it was a glitch and that happened when you were logged into both sites at the same time. Yes it took a while to get it straightened out. Everybody who was blocked has been put back and even Judy (tiggermickey) has her account reopened.
Were there some people who were banned, yes. Those who repeatedly were bashing pinpics did have their accounts banned. (full disclosure here, I was one of those people who said some negative things about pinpics based on the stories I had been hearing). The other way people got banned was for attacking the mods at the time. As I have learned that is not acceptable under any circumstances. If you do not show respect, you will not receive respect.
Was there mistakes made by the owners? In my personal opinion yes there were. But remember there was a lot of venom going on at the time. In an earlier post you mentioned a previous person who was working as a pinpics ambassador. I remember him also as he was a member here in great standing. He jumped in at a very poor time and was eaten alive. He did try to give us answers but was shouted down repeatedly. It was a reason I was wary about telling people I had decided to become a mod at pinpics. I did not want that kind of backlash against me. Why did I decide to help at pinpics? The admin reached out to me and called me to talk about things. I was shocked that she would take the time and just want to talk. We originally talked for an hour or two the first phone call and we have been talking for hours ever since. I decided that pinpics has brought a bunch of great people into our lives and it was time to give back to the community that has given us so much. I can honestly say that I am proud to be part of a great group of people who want to help out our community. Did it start smoothly, nope, no way, uh uh. Has there been changes to make the site better? Heck yes there has. We have an amazing programmer now that knows her stuff. Is everything perfect? Not yet, but we are working on it. Are there great things coming up in the future? Absolutely!!!!!!
Is the owners of pinpics making money off of the stuff we have contributed to? No! The database is now, has been and always will be free. Yes they were trying to make money off of some added bonus things that were not part of the original site, and when the public didn't want them, those things went away.
As for the links we used to have, it is a two way street. If people want them back and the people who run DPF want to work something out I am happy to see if I can help get them back. It is one of the reasons I decided to be a mod. I figured what better way to effect change then from the inside. GreyWyvern is correct about the limited amount of time to be logged in. I believe it is set at 4 hours and then you have to re log in. Even the mods and programmer have to do this.
This a great community that we are very happy we became part of!!! The past is in the past and now we have to decide if we want to be part of the solution or part of continuing to be a problem. Do we think everybody will want to be part of it again? Nope, but if we work to make things better then we can improve the future of this hobby.