I'm on a Treasure Hunt!

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Please also PM me his PinPics ID - hopefully I can contribute something to support my Partner in Art History Pin-Studies!
Send me his pinpics ID— I bet I have something too!

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Please also PM me his PinPics ID - hopefully I can contribute something to support my Partner in Art History Pin-Studies!

Thank you both! But I think we're a-okay to step forward. I'm feeling pretty good about these three offers. If they say no, then that's a-okay. It's just a piece of metal, after all. What matters is the friendships we make along the way.

Anyways, stay tuned for the results! In the meantime...



we have an accepted offer!!!!!


It isssssss


NUMBER 3!!!!

Honestly I can't thank y'all enough for your help and support, especially all those who offered up pins from their collections and nice traders for the sake of helping little 'ol me get a grail. If postage weren't so darn expensive, I'd have a round of pins shipped out to everyone. Alas, the adult world lies near in the future. So for now, accept my eternal gratitude (and REQUEST BADGES DANG IT)



Bummmmm bum bum bum bum BUMMMMMMMMMM


I just got home from 12+ hours of traveling so my apologies for having this short - but a HUGE thanks to everyone who helped :') I just need a moment

That's so awesome!! Congrats!!! Is that litho/ art signed by tinkerbell? I can't read it haha YAY!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!
Bummmmm bum bum bum bum BUMMMMMMMMMM


I just got home from 12+ hours of traveling so my apologies for having this short - but a HUGE thanks to everyone who helped :') I just need a moment
Yay! I think this is one of my favorite trades ever! :) Love it!
Thank you for letting me participate.
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