Is PinPics down
I hope they weren’t literally waiting patiently.
That would be up to the community. I believe that collaboration is the wiser choice, which could mean one or two web sites, or each could continue as is. Let's see what the community has to say.So are we going to have two new databases?
Also not looking to step on anyone's toes, but would like to offer up the following. A few years ago, there was another pin database project that sort of disappeared due to lack of support (Pinventory, the new data base update, The Pinventory DB is ready to Beta test.). The reality is that the project never died, it just slowed a bit due to only being designed, programmed and loaded by one individual that also has a family and a full-time job, not to mention a pin hobby. Unfortunately, a site of this magnitude and daily growth requires a village. The site has most of the main components needed to catalog and trade your pins as well as a wealth of additional features that basically require the front end to be added around them.
What I have to offer:
1. Software engineer with over 25 years experience. Specialties included database and backend systems design.
2. Web Development. This is not my specialty, so it takes me longer to achieve results (could use help here).
3. Thousands of pages of archived Disney information on pins readily available.
4. 10,000+ self taken images (front and back) and/or Disney pin images not yet loaded.
5. Established LLC already in place.
6. Avid pin collector (10+ years) dedicated to the hobby and has no plans on quitting.
What the site has to offer (some features close to turning on):
1. Just over 10,000 pins currently loaded, 8,000 active and over 2,000 pending and waiting for content review.
2. Ability to catalog regular, PP, AP, and scrapper/counterfeit with pictures and viewable from one area.
3. Ability to view current releases, upcoming releases and latest additions to the database.
4. Supports multiple pin origins (multiple SKUs and release dates coming soon) without having to put them in the comments or description.
5. Supports multiple movie associations (currently single, just requires interface adjustment).
6. Supports holiday association.
7. Trade Assist.
8. Price tracking (requires interface setup).
9. Multiple images. Currently supports two as the initial intent was for front and back images only, but can be expanded easily.
10. Source tracking.
11. Personal and community stats that won't go stale over time.
12. Keyword searching on all available fields.
13. Ability to have pin groups (In database design, requires interface, would love input).
14. https
15. One click inventory updates
16. Other features available to mods/admins only
To have a good and scalable system, it requires a solid and properly designed backend as well as a well written frontend. What I am proposing is a collaboration between all of the things that are currently out there and pulling all those involved together to move forward. I am not stuck on any particular site, just looking for a good solution and the ability to move forward quickly. If I can accomplish all that I have by myself part-time, imagine what can be done getting the community involved.
I have been a member of DPF for many years, although I wish to remain anonymous temporarily for reasons I will release later. For those of you who do know who I am, please respect my wishes to remain anonymous for the time being. If anyone is interested in seeing the site, please PM me and I will grant you access as it not publicly available at the moment. If you were a beta tester a couple of years ago, your account is still active and you should be able to access the site now. If you can't and you'd like to, let me know and I can get it straightened out. I look forward to the community coming together so collecting and trading can get back to the fun it used to be.
That feature already exists. Sorry I didn't put it on the list. I will also be adding the ability to add exceptions. If you can think of anything else, feel free to ask as it may already be there as well.Wondering if having a 'private collection' option will be available (so traders and wants are public, but you may track your collection privately)?
That would be up to the community. I believe that collaboration is the wiser choice, which could mean one or two web sites, or each could continue as is. Let's see what the community has to say.
Also not looking to step on anyone's toes, but would like to offer up the following. A few years ago, there was another pin database project that sort of disappeared due to lack of support (Pinventory, the new data base update, The Pinventory DB is ready to Beta test.). The reality is that the project never died, it just slowed a bit due to only being designed, programmed and loaded by one individual that also has a family and a full-time job, not to mention a pin hobby. Unfortunately, a site of this magnitude and daily growth requires a village. The site has most of the main components needed to catalog and trade your pins as well as a wealth of additional features that basically require the front end to be added around them.
What I have to offer:
1. Software engineer with over 25 years experience. Specialties included database and backend systems design.
2. Web Development. This is not my specialty, so it takes me longer to achieve results (could use help here).
3. Thousands of pages of archived Disney information on pins readily available.
4. 10,000+ self taken images (front and back) and/or Disney pin images not yet loaded.
5. Established LLC already in place.
6. Avid pin collector (10+ years) dedicated to the hobby and has no plans on quitting.
What the site has to offer (some features close to turning on):
1. Just over 10,000 pins currently loaded, 8,000 active and over 2,000 pending and waiting for content review.
2. Ability to catalog regular, PP, AP, and scrapper/counterfeit with pictures and viewable from one area.
3. Ability to view current releases, upcoming releases and latest additions to the database.
4. Supports multiple pin origins (multiple SKUs and release dates coming soon) without having to put them in the comments or description.
5. Supports multiple movie associations (currently single, just requires interface adjustment).
6. Supports holiday association.
7. Trade Assist.
8. Price tracking (requires interface setup).
9. Multiple images. Currently supports two as the initial intent was for front and back images only, but can be expanded easily.
10. Source tracking.
11. Personal and community stats that won't go stale over time.
12. Keyword searching on all available fields.
13. Ability to have pin groups (In database design, requires interface, would love input).
14. https
15. One click inventory updates
16. Other features available to mods/admins only
To have a good and scalable system, it requires a solid and properly designed backend as well as a well written frontend. What I am proposing is a collaboration between all of the things that are currently out there and pulling all those involved together to move forward. I am not stuck on any particular site, just looking for a good solution and the ability to move forward quickly. If I can accomplish all that I have by myself part-time, imagine what can be done getting the community involved.
I have been a member of DPF for many years, although I wish to remain anonymous temporarily for reasons I will release later. For those of you who do know who I am, please respect my wishes to remain anonymous for the time being. If anyone is interested in seeing the site, please PM me and I will grant you access as it not publicly available at the moment. If you were a beta tester a couple of years ago, your account is still active and you should be able to access the site now. If you can't and you'd like to, let me know and I can get it straightened out. I look forward to the community coming together so collecting and trading can get back to the fun it used to be.
The intention is to never have any costs involved with the site. I have personally funded it for the last 4 plus years and would be happy to continue. The only way I see it changing is if it is required to move off of shared hosting as then the costs skyrocket. All my work performed is always free and I have dedicated quite a lot of time in the last 4 years to developing and loading. If people would like to make donations, I would prefer they be pins to be used as giveaways.Is there, or will there ever be, costs associated with the website in any way?
It did not start out that way, but currently I am the sole proprietor. Others involved no longer collect and lost interest.Are you the sole proprietor/owner/interest in the LLC?
Yes, but you must be committed and willing to take a vested interest.Are you open to having more than one owning/controlling party?
So are we going to have two new databases?
I was on about an hour ago and was able to log on but as soon as I did a search, it logged me off. I'm not sure I'm buying the whole server story as there are now changes present on the site that I don't believe were there two weeks ago. They seem to have added stuff back in the stats from the old site.Pinpics is working for me as of this moment. I have logged on, I've looked at my lists, I can see some new pins in fact have been added to "what's new" and I'm not having any issues right now
From what I saw quickly before giving up, they added back the user that submitted the info and how many people own the pin. Not sure if there was anything else.Interesting. Some people said things had been removed over time. Would be cool to see what now might be returned back as it was. Thanks for the update.
Same here. Everything you're seeing minus the black triangles. Most likely browser specific or the image isn't loading fully.Still not working at 100% for me... Maybe 20%... still getting partial page loading and pictures covered by black rectangles. Had to reload the page about 6 times after I logged in and did a few clicks and back to the white error page.
Thank you again! Here's hopin' for 2 things... that it comes back up and works again and... we don't lose momentum on using other databases.From Facebook:
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