Jessica Rabbit Decades and Star Wars Quotes

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Jessica Rabbit Decades and Star Wars Quotes


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Rancho Cucamonga
I just got the decades pins(3 sets) at DSF this morning and the Star Wars Quotes(2 sets) at the beginning of the month. I have the artist signed card that they gave out with the quotes pins at DLR also. Their was also two surprise pins this morning...A Jessica with her Star on the Walk of Fame, and The Rocketeer on The El Capitan Theatre sign. I would like to keep the sets together if possible. I am new to trading and have been collecting for about 2 months now. Thats when I got my annual pass for DLR. I am collecting Jessica Rabbit, Tinkerbell, Stitch, and anything Army(Vet of Iraq and Afg) or Patriotic. Hopefully someone who also got pins this morning can post pics, I have no idea how to lol. Before I posted this the Surpise pins werent on Pinpics...or at least I couldnt find them. Thanks for looking!
Wyllieam, I was looking through your traders and the Star wars quotes are on there already...Did you mean to put them in wants and accidently pushed the wrong tab? If you dont have them, I updated my wants off of what you got and I think we can work something out. Let me know.
jroxxfoo sorry it took so long to get back to you. You do have some pins that I want, however I am really trying to get some Jessica pins with these. If I cant, I will PM you for some of your Stitch pins. Thanks.
Im new to this and I want to make sure that I make fair trades for me and the other person, so...Is three of these Jessica decades pins for pin 80552 (Jessica as Esmerelda) a fair trade?
Depends how bad you want it. If you are going by eBay values then I would definitely say no. People are paying over $20 each for the new Jess pins (especially the 1920's one) and the completed auctions for Jess as Esmerelda had no bids at $40. Some for BIN at $35 are sitting there. I might offer two of the less popular ones for that pin if it were me and I really wanted it. Your Jess pins and the Esmerelda are all LE300 pins I think.
Im new to this and I want to make sure that I make fair trades for me and the other person, so...Is three of these Jessica decades pins for pin 80552 (Jessica as Esmerelda) a fair trade?

Hi there, and welcome to the forum. :)

i think that the jessica as esmeralda it is a valuable pin but there are a lot of people tading it, it is pretty an big, i seen it in person, but in my opibion, i think two of the jessica Decades will be a fair trade for the jessica As Esmeralda, 3 in my opinion it is too much. if you look at original price, your two pins costed you $20 and the disney store jessica as esmeralda was $17 plus shipping around $21. if u look at Edition size it is fair because the jessica as esmeralda it is a older LE 300 and your it is a New LE 300 who people can still buy, but 3 for one will be too much in my personal opinion. hope this helps a bit. :)
Depends how bad you want it. If you are going by eBay values then I would definitely say no. People are paying over $20 each for the new Jess pins (especially the 1920's one) and the completed auctions for Jess as Esmerelda had no bids at $40. Some for BIN at $35 are sitting there. I might offer two of the less popular ones for that pin if it were me and I really wanted it. Your Jess pins and the Esmerelda are all LE300 pins I think.

Yep, completely agree with this. :)
I agree (3 for 1 is too much). I thought the Jessica pins were $10.95 each so that's $22. Plus, I heard one of the Jessica decades (20s) already sold out [sold out Saturday] so there isn't another opportunity for someone to get them (like Jessica as Esmeralda).

BTW, I am interested in your Star Wars Quotes pins - Yoda and Vader are the only two I am missing for my set. I only have 4-5 pins on your want list, don't think if it would be an even trade (but I did trade 3 letters for one quote last weekend so not sure), but let me know.
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From my POV, I'm also going to be seeing them at the pin event two weekends from now, and I'll be in LA myself in mid-October. I can also call and order the Decade pins myself soon.

Ideally, I would have rather offered a one-for-one across the board, but almost all the pins you want from me are some of my heavy-hitters, and I can use them at the event. To me, the ideal trade would have been something like 2 and a half pins for the Esmeralda, but that's harder to pull off. :) So yeah, I did waver on that slightly. When I saw she did $28 recently, that's what decided me.

And, to be frank, I'm not going to do $20 for any of them (The Deacde pins) but Flapper Jess (which I offered you Mona Jess for- they both do $20). Ebay prices are always inflated for DSF during the first week because people panic. But I know I can get them retail price from *someone*, so...I can wait if I have to. That's no offense to you or anything, or me being a hard-***'s just the truth.

You're also always welcome to counter offer or look over a member's trade, btw...

I dunno. I'm wavering on that, after reading the others' opinions. Bah, Trading sucks I just wanted you to know that I wasn't trying to scam you...just trying to do what was even on a popular pin, and you're always free to talk to the people you're working stuff out with.
Hi Nicole, By no means was I trying to call you out or anything. It s like I said, Im new. I just wanted an outside perspective. For these same pins, I already worked out a trade for 2 pins that were 1/300, 2 pins that are 1/250, and 1/125. I obviously got the better end of the trade on that one. I know that for sure now. I saw your request, and I just wasnt sure about 2 1/750 pins and the esmerelda for the 5 jessica pins. Their is no hard feelings, I know in the short time I have been trading that it is super hard to work out some trades some times. I hope you are able to get these pins, when you are in town.
Fantom - I also have the Nightmaree pin available (for the Deebees) which I haven't yet put on my trades list
Pin 82351: DLR - 2011 Hidden Mickey Series - Deebees Collection - Nightmaree

So, I have 6 pins on your wants list :)
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