June 29 wristband info?????

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June 29 wristband info?????
I still have not recieved an email - they do know that this release is this coming Friday - dont they? I dont understand why they left the registration open so long. It seemed to me that for a friday morning release they should have given us more than a week to begin with and yet now here we are Sunday afternoon and still no news . . seriously? This has left a bad taste in my mouth to begin with - I am still bummed that our event was changed to these two releases . . . . and the lack of information makes it worse . . .
I still have not recieved an email - they do know that this release is this coming Friday - dont they? I dont understand why they left the registration open so long. It seemed to me that for a friday morning release they should have given us more than a week to begin with and yet now here we are Sunday afternoon and still no news . . seriously? This has left a bad taste in my mouth to begin with - I am still bummed that our event was changed to these two releases . . . . and the lack of information makes it worse . . .

What do expect from a place which allows online selling of the scraps of their merchandise, inflates the price of annual passes to near the 5% CPI level, makes you wait 4 hours for a 4 minute ride, $10 for a $1 burger and fries, and $3.50 for a cup of Sanka, doesn't give CM's health benefits even if they have been there over two years and work over 32 hours a week (yet are always considered part time)?

Well, at least Starbucks is in the park now...lol.
You should just come down anyways - we have ptn and glow with the show!!!! :0)

and I'm selfish and I want to hang out with you Figaro!!!!!!!! :0)

Dutchess ~ I KNOW.. But VEGAS was a killer :( LOL... I figured I would leave this weekends travel up to the wristband gods and let them decide my fate lol.
I know they said that it would be earlier, but I actually wasn't expecting it until noon or so on Tue. That's about when we got the NBC Gingerbread emails. Can't wait.
Oh, and for those that don't know, you should get an email one way or the other. My wife got an email for the Gingerbread one that she did NOT win.
So bummed: no information about winning a wristband by now so I can't plan on attending. Was just going to leave super early in the morning from northern Cal just to show and buy two pins and leave back for home.

I guess there's always the bay to purchase pins.
So bummed: no information about winning a wristband by now so I can't plan on attending. Was just going to leave super early in the morning from northern Cal just to show and buy two pins and leave back for home.

I guess there's always the bay to purchase pins.

Considering that we are both coming from Stockton... It makes it pretty crummy to not know how to plan appropriately :(
Well I just go an "unfortunately" email meaning I got no wristband- nada
The paranoid part of me makes me wonder if Disney read my anxious & frustrated posts
Yeah, I got the first 200. Did you get the first 200 Mark? Can someone confirm that they won't be giving out any extra sets of anything until 1:00pm? I get off the plane at 10 and will be there at 10:30 or so I hope. I want to try to get the max of everything.
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I got this one.

You have been awarded the opportunity to receive a wristband that allows you to purchase: One (1) each of the following:
  • Chip & Dale Jumbo
  • Road Trip Album Set
  • Road Trip Map Boxed Set
  • Billboard with Figurine
Two (2) each of the following:
  • Road Rules Hitchhiking Ghosts
  • Road Rules Stitch
  • Road Rules Duffy
  • Road Rules Cruella
  • Speedometer
  • Gear Up Logo Tire
  • Passholder License Plate(valid Annual Passport required for purchase)
  • Passholder Mickey Key & Keychain Set (valid Annual Passport required for purchase)
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