Just a warning - trade requests incoming. . .
Hola ya'll!
Just a head's up - some may be receiving alot (A. . L . .O. . .T - 16 i think was the high number) of Trade Requests from me via Pinpics. I'm looking to try to finish a few sets, soI apologize if I annoy anyone with the multitude of requests.
Thanks all ya'll Hope you're having a great day!
- Cass
Just a head's up - some may be receiving alot (A. . L . .O. . .T - 16 i think was the high number) of Trade Requests from me via Pinpics. I'm looking to try to finish a few sets, soI apologize if I annoy anyone with the multitude of requests.
Thanks all ya'll Hope you're having a great day!
- Cass