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Know what bites? People not replying to PMs!!

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Know what bites? People not replying to PMs!!
Syrius I'm sorry you missed out on the pin in your signature. Imagine how I feel!! haha! I collect Tangled and it's absolutely RIDICULOUS what people want for them!! I honestly don't think I'll ever get half of them :( especially not the marquee now that someone stupidly paid so much for it :( it's so disheartening. I'm glad someone went out of their way to get you a pin you really wanted! Someone was recently nice enough to pull a pin out of their collection and trade it to me at PTN because they knew I really wanted it, that gave me warm fuzzies. That's the first and only time someone has really totally gone out of their way to trade me a pin I really want. When Dizpins was still around, I ran the holy grail thread and I used to send out trade requests and trade for people's grails and then trade them to them, or zap them with it. Now that I can't afford to do that anymore and don't have nearly enough traders to do that, it feels like people have forgotten about me, thrown me away like trash because I've lost my usefulness :(
Collecting in general, and I don't just mean pin collectors, can bring out the worst in people. I've mentioned it before, but when I was in my early 20's I worked at a collectible store during the summers and winter holidays during the time when Beanie Babies were the must have and I can't even tell you how crazy people would get because everyone thought that this was the next get rich quick scheme, because let's face it, no one buys multiples of the same thing unless if it's to sell (I know slightly different with pins since we can trade them to get ones we want). And in collecting you always get those people who are so picky that they want to look at every piece and it's box to make sure that they get the very best one and even if the piece is perfect but the box is slightly damaged they don't want it. I mean seriously the box is going to get a little roughed up at your house too. I know that I like my stuff to look perfect too, but sometimes us collectors need to just take a moment and breath and then remember why we starting collecting in the first place.
*hugs* yeah I don't envy you collecting tangled, but I am sure it will turn around for you eventually! Don't lose hope okay? If I could help I totally would but I am in the same boat as you, no traders and no money! Just don't forget there are lots of nice people still about and even though it feels like a loosing battle you'll win the war eventually!

@ruby : collectors are mad! I used to collect bbs when they were out and the madness that ensued for those bits of fluff and bean was madness! I'm still sore they did that whole the end, then relaunched as new! Haha! Yeah!
Echo- Just a thought but have you thought about selling some of your traders here on DPF??? It would able you to then purchase some of your wants. This is what I have been doing for a while as I don't seem to be able to make any trades lately. How I look at it- it is the same as trading!!!! :)
I remember watching and reading the news about beanie bears and how crazy people got over them!! I never understood that whole craze, or Pokemon. At least with 10+ years under its belt, pin trading has some longevity. It's such a fun hobby, but so many people seem to be into it for the profit these days. I know numerous people who collect Tangled, UP, etc. pins just because they're worth 'a lot of money'. I mean sure people can collect for whatever reason they want, but dang it, it takes pins away from those of us who just LOVE the movie! I've been re-watching movies of the other collections I own, just to see if I can stand getting rid of them in order to get pins I really want. I was thinking of trading away my Enchanted pins, or my Sword in the Stone pins, or my RObin Hood pins, heck I even considered getting rid of my Mulan pins! But I just can't do it :( each of those movies have meaning to me. I love Mulan because she has the attitude 'Forget the boys, I'm going to save the world' which I love. I've always loved the legend of Robin Hood and have always read about it as much as I could. Same with Arthurian legend, Camelot, Avalon, Excalibur, etc. though I'm still debating on that one, as Disney's version is so far from the legend/books, I still love the scenes where they turn into different animals *lol* not sure why I like Enchanted, I think I just really like the characters :) and there's only like 6 pins I need for that collection right now.

Donna, I've thought about selling my traders here, but I think it would depress me just how little money I would get for them, IE how few of my wants I could get. That and I love pin trading at PTN and such and want to have pins enough to make a good showing there! But I have thought about it, and I have a few Disney non-pin things I've been meaning to put up, like a prince Philip 'Sorry ladies, I'm Taken' shirt, a Tinkerbelle messenger bag, and 2 pairs of Club 33 ear hats!
I have to say that I'm not always the most prompt in responding to PM requests. I always feel like I'd like to sleep on the offer; if I feel the same way two days in a row, it's a go. If not, then I have to think a bit more.

It's even worse if someone asks me to sell a pin from my traders! I agonize over what the pin is worth, and trying not to cheat the buyer and not to cheat me! That's why I resisted in selling for so long, but my traders have started piling up and I've had a lot more luck buying my wants rather than trading for them.

Anyway, sometimes a delay of a day or two means that the person is really thinking about your offer...
I'll admit that I can be pretty bad about replying to PMs for trades. I'll get back to someone quickly if it is an easy yes or no, but when it is something in between I tend to over analyze it and next thing you know a week has passed.
I think I'm pretty consistent with responding to messages (and if I'm not, then someone needs to tell me! ha.), but I can name a couple of people who seem to not respond to ANYONE. Why be on a discussion board if not to discuss?

Sorry this has happened to you..you are such and awesome trader/hopefully friend...and I reply asap to anyone who Pm's me
even ones asking for zap addys;);)And such..I get PM's for advise/zap addys/trade proposals and more..NOW Tammy you mentioned you
got fakes from a sale here on DPF..correct??And you PM'D the mods correct??Could you PM me please?I buy alot from the sellers here
everything is real they sent me,just wondering who the seller is...maybe I can help here...I am always up for good conversation/trades
anything or even say howdy....so just PM away here...LOL!!!

Ah I've had that a number of times with people not responding to PMs; I understand if they've been busy or have forgotten... and sometimes they instead reply to me in the chat which is fine too... but when its a trade request I do prefer just a 'No thank you' if they're not interested. ^_^; I respond to any trade request even if I'm not interested in it.

Sorry you're going through this at the moment; I would suggest a trade but I don't have anything on your wants list. But if you need anything from the UK Disney Store currently on sale or going to be on sale just ask. :)
I may be guilty of not responding quickly. Sometimes I have to wait for Paula to see how she feels, wants the pin. She goes through a phase of only Ariel, or Dumbo, or....(right now it is Ariel and bear pins).

Plus our Verizon Internet went down yesterday and we couldn't get on line until after 6 pm- argh!

And we were busy with our first auction, so again, sorry if we didn't respond quickly.
I'll admit that I can be pretty bad about replying to PMs for trades. I'll get back to someone quickly if it is an easy yes or no, but when it is something in between I tend to over analyze it and next thing you know a week has passed.


I am notorious for this as well. I do check these boards *almost* daily, so someone could confuse me not responding to their PM as "ignoring" them...but in reality I just have a hard time deciding sometimes what I want to do/trade. And in many cases people ask about multi-trades, which makes it even harder to come up with something fair, thoughtful, and favors both of us. I try to respond to everyone, but sometimes a few PMs may slip though the cracks, and I apologize for that! But it is never personal....I have never gone to a pin event or traded in person (although I really do want to go to a PTN one day, when I can convince someone to go with me! LOL), so even though I am friendly with people online...I try not to take things too personally, and hope the other person feels the same about me.

This hobby can really get to you if you let it...everyone operates differently so you really just need to not take it personal and realize that pin trading should be something that is fun, and extremely rewarding when you finally get what you have been searching for. :) Since I began trading in late 2009, I have seen many people come-and-go that would buy all of their expensive grails shortly after beginning, come online and boast about all of their awesome pins (which there is nothing wrong with that...just saying what happened), and then you would never see them again until a few months later when they were ready to sell their pins. They got everything they wanted and were then done with the hobby. I think it is more rewarding when you gradually get things over time...it makes the quest more fun (and most likely cheaper!).

Anyways...don't let something that is supposed to be fun get you down! :D
echo, you can't leave!! we all love ya, girl! :hug: hang in there, there could be any number of reasons why someone doesn't respond, try not to take it to heart. how could anyone purposely not respond to you, you're great!
I am so happy you brought this up echo . I have wanted too many times, but just for once have kept my mouth shut for fear of retaliation . And I agree and have told a dear friend that this forum is full of cliques, but then there are my true friends that help me and get zapped with LE pins when I do make it to WDW or DCL . I even had someone post a trade to me once, I was so very excited as they listed some of my wants . I kept PMing and after about 6 or 7 PMs . I got I'm sorry my PM inbox wasn't working and I traded the pins away . But I still have one I'll sell you for $65.00 . I gave a No Thank You right away .
I've traded on and off about 10yrs, sometimes I have to take a break, its hard and yes very cliquish, I see people zapped with crazy stuff over and over and lately seen people get grails, I look at their trades and they kinda look like beginners, after years of trading I have some great pins but I never seem to have that kinda luck, I understand your w/c issue my husband battled disney for years, but when something causes you more stress than joy, step back and come back to it when it makes you happy again =)
Hi Sis(Debi)
Hows it going..YES you mentioned alot of cliques on here..and I agree ..yes you are definetly a TRUE friend!!And so many more here as well
Echo..keep your chin up..alot like you here..so you are fine:)
Thanks everyone for your kind words. *hugs all around* I'm going to keep trying for now because I desperately WANT this to be fun again. I need some fun in my life, with all the real life stuff going on!
echoharmony said:
Hey anyone want to buy the Robin Hood Chinese New Year pin from another member for $35 and trade it to me? *LOL* long shot, I know, but I had to try! hehe someone offered to sell one to me but obviously I have no money :( just pins!

Pm me. I'm away at a convention this weekend so I can only reply when I can find time and Internet, but maybe we could do this.
Vixy said:
Pm me. I'm away at a convention this weekend so I can only reply when I can find time and Internet, but maybe we could do this.

Y'know what, given the irony of me saying that, I'll just pm you. :) (Sorry, not sufficiently caffeinated yet.)
hey echo!

I had this long reply all typed out and just submitted it and it erased because i was logged out. Grrrrrrrrr!

Long story short, I am going to send out trade requests fo your grails since i dont have even one pin you want. If i get any trades for them i will PM you.

that should show that nasty person that you can get your grails with help from your pin trading community

I rarely get on this forum so dont be disappointed if i dont contact you for a while and if i get no accepts at least we tried.

Happy trades
Awww that's very sweet of you Kirk, thank you!! I used to do that for everyone back on dizpins when I ran the holy grail thread! I had a lot more traders then!!
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