LBE lost in the mails for 3 YEARS!! Delivered!!

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LBE lost in the mails for 3 YEARS!! Delivered!!


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So I get a LBE yesterday via the USPS, its strange since I do not have any outstanding trades in-progress. I look at the return address and its familiar, someone I have traded with in the past. I open the LBE, look at the pin and scratch my head. I did have this pin on my Wants list about 3 years ago, but I long since have obtained it. Where did this come from and why??

Since I did not have an e-mail address I sent a letter to the Trader asking for details - now the AMAZING part!!

This was a Trade we were going to do in 2009, but his pin never arrived and he nicely returned my pin way back then. The LBE had been floating around the USPS for 3 YEARS - there was no cancellation on the stamps just a magic marker lined through them so they could not be used again.

I have mailed back his pin - but this so strange!!

Mike S.
Yeah! Three years late and USPS is raising their rates? Really?


Good for you both! It's nice that your both honest and nice enough to return the pins!!!!!

Too bad not everyone was as concerned about people getting their pins as you both are!
Well, that gives ME hope. One of the very first pin trades via the mail I ever did was with a Dizpins mod, way back in about 2002-2003. He got my pin, but I never got his.
We worked it out, he sent me a different one, which was nice.

I'm still waiting for that pin (and I even remember which one it was--and I don't have it yet, LMAO!)!
Wow! That's crazy. Someone sent me a pin in the mail and it got lost unfortunately! This gmh it'll show up someday, lol.
You know what I love the most about this story?

You KNOW they found that package behind a piece of furniture or under a seat in a mail jeep or something. But instead of sticking a note on it explaining and apologizing, they just delivered it and hoped you wouldn't say anything! :rofl:



::slips package into box and runs like heck::
It must have been in one of the three mail trucks that park their truck at my house. They park there 1/2 - 1 hour prior to going home. I always wondered what they are passing around and laughing at? Guess when they finally wrap thing up and head around the block to the Post Office parking lot, one of then might have decided to finally get it to you.

Merry Christmas.
DoomScarf, no date or cancellation just a magic marker line through the stamps so that they would not be reused. Also the stamp postage amounts was correct and would have "been enough postage" for LBE's in 2009, but not for todays rates.

Mike S.
I believe it probably was originally mailed in 2009. Maybe it fell into a wheel well of a truck or behind something at the post office...who knows! I had a package sent to me go missing several years ago. It showed up about 6 months later when the vacant house across the street was sold and the new owner found it in the mailbox...which had been wired shut!
that's a great story... the LBE probably went rogue at the sorting center, the trucks are routinely checked by the branch postmasters, and the carriers take heat for mail in the truck... know from experience, my wife got in trouble for mail left in the truck, that she did not even take out! :shock:
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