Like a kidney transplant chain, we're looking for a helper...
lkohagen75 and I are trying to make a trade, but don't have the correct pins to make it work. We need someone who wants stuff from lkohagen75, and has stuff I want.
So, if you fit either category:
Have pins "jjgasman" wants or
have pins "lkohagen" needs (those are our Pinpics names)
PM either of us.
Note that my pinpics and DPF names are the same; there is a 75 missing for lkohagen on pinpics.
So, if you fit either category:
Have pins "jjgasman" wants or
have pins "lkohagen" needs (those are our Pinpics names)
PM either of us.
Note that my pinpics and DPF names are the same; there is a 75 missing for lkohagen on pinpics.