Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
I talked to a CM who confirmed that there will be LE Elsa and Anna dolls. Most likely one by the end of the year, and the other next year when the Bluray/DVD is released.Sounds great!! I would DIE for a LE Doll of Elsa. Can I ask you where you get this info from?
Im feeling the same way. I think the movie looks great, and I think Ill love it. The merch that is out now is absolutely beautiful so Im sure LE dolls of Elsa and Anna will be amazing. I know Ill regret not getting them if I then fall in love with the movie.I agree. Right now I am strongly leaning towards not getting them. Which is great for other collectors it takes one out of the mix..LOL! BUT I am afraid that after the movie comes out I'll wish I had bought them. There not classic Disney characters/ least not yet. BUT I am sure they will be if the movie is successful. I need to search for a trailer. The only one I've seen so far is the one with the Snowman and the moose.
Thank you! I love them SOO much!!
Im excited for the frozen dolls! I really hope Elsa is in her blue dress!! :x: Imagine the crystals! *shudders* gorgeous!
Im sure Anna will be gorgeous too! I hope she's in all her snow gear!
I had ordered 1 ursula and 1 eric and they gave me 2 ursulas instead :/...i called them and they said that they had 1 eric left that they'll ship me but got to ship out my ursula first...still waiting for that shipping label so i can ship it back already
Oh yuck! That is so annoying!It's not like the dolls don't have the character's name slapped on the factory label right on the shipper box! I hope it works out well for you! At least we know that they did keep some dolls back to rectify their errors...
They look great together. One of mine is coming Thursday and the other one on Friday. I cannot wait! I am also very grateful to the link fairies for helping us all out. Please, please, please, help us with designer Ariel. You're a blessing to us!I had to share my Little Mermaid darlings one next to another ♥ I can't stop staring at them. I am so thankful for the link fairies, words cannot express how grateful I am to have these. Had it not been for the link fairies most of us probably would not have Eric & Ursula, so once again thank you!!
I am sooo tempted to debox my Ursula!!! Ah What Should I Do? Also Ive looked At Her In Comparison to My great villains Ursula and I do wish they would have given her bigger sequins for suction cups. and some kind of prop like lady tremaine got a key, id love to have seen Ursula grasping the scroll or contract.......
I would have loved flopsam and jetsom as accessories, but there isn't really room...
I'm tempted to debox mine too! Ursula arrived today! I'd love to see her tentacles from all angles.
Just curious - My Eric arrived the other day, and while the doll is in great condition, the box got damaged during shipping. The left side of the box (when you are looking at it head on) is bent, there is also a crease on the same side and the plastic got bent. Disney Store is seeing what they can do, but if they cannot ship me another, would anyone be interested in purchasing it for what I paid for it (cost plus tax), PayPal fees for the transaction and shipping fees? I can return the doll to them for a full refund but thought I would see if anyone here might be interested. I can certainly take pics. This is more just an inquiry to see if I should return it or offer it to someone who can look past the box defects and would just be happy to have it in hand. I can tell you I am a perfectionist, so the defects bother me. Someone else may not be as bothered with them. Again, this is all speculation. If anyone is interested and Disney Store can't help me, I will then have to look into the rules and regulations of posting items for sale. Does anyone know what they are?
Thank you Polaris!!! I am really hoping they magically find me a replacement!!! It is a shame really.Here is a link the rules and regulations in relation to posting things for sale on the forum.
Please note that you can find it in the main thread page as well, just above the list of threads it appears as an announcement.
Thank you Polaris!!! I am really hoping they magically find me a replacement!!! It is a shame really.( Fingers crossed!!!
I am right there with you. I understand they are LE dolls, but how hard would it be for them to fix your buttons and replace my box, keeping the LE edition size to that as stated?!?!?! It really would not be that big of a deal in my opinion. I even told them that I would be willing to take a "return" box if it is in better shape. Heck, I am not too far from the distribution center... I'll drive there if they want me too. And I'll pick up some buttons from a returned doll for you. LOL!!! (ONLY IF THEY WOULD LET ME!!!)I hope they can find you a replacement. When I received my Prince Eric yesterday, I was SOOOO excited opening the box. The shipping box was in great condition, so that made me happy. I took the doll box out of the shipping box and looked at my Doll, but then I noticed that some of his "buttons?" on his jacket were missing (the gold circles on the gold lines) and they are no where in the box. So I emailed Disney and they said there is nothing they can do because they are sold out. I was so frustrated. They gave me a 20% off coupon to the Disney store, but that really doesn't make me happy at all. I can't see why Disney doesn't just accept the doll back, fix it, and then send it back to you. Of course the gold circles that are missing are the ones on the side of his jacket that face the front. Other than that, my Ursula is in perfect condition. I am SOOO glad that I bought her, she is just amazing in person.