I definitely prefer the Coronation versions of both characters. Which is why I was in such a hurry to snag Anna after she was released in November... And then when I heard they were making a Coronation Elsa I started saving and planning my attack on the DS

). That being said, the other two are also wonderful, hands down. Compared to all of the other LE Disney dolls, the "Frozen" girls all look very film-accurate and recognizable; and their dresses are closest to their original designs, rather than being covered in 1000 extra bits and sparkles (in some dolls like the Rapunzel one, that extra stuff looks tacky and over-saturated to me). What I find sad about the SQ Elsa is that her cape does not have all the snowflakes it needs, and the dress itself could've been more ice-ish as well. I feel like they were lazy or greedy when they added the crystals to her dress - there's not enough of them and it bothers me that they're all the same size, and a big size at that. Also, her purple-ish skin reminds me of the Corpse Bride a bit. Coronation Elsa has a perfect face

. However, I'm not so hot about the way they treated her box in the second wave... Her default position is weird compared to first wave Anna, who looks dainty and natural. Also, I do understand that the hair is part of the reason why she's jutting out more than the first release, but I wish they had dedicated some time to fixing that look. Maybe if they made the box a bit thicker? I guess if they'd've done that then some new problems would've arisen. But yeah, my top 4 would be:
1) Coronation Anna
2) Coronation Elsa
3) SQ Elsa
4) Snow Anna
Snow Anna has a very pretty face but to be honest I don't feel like her clothes are anything special. They are very well done, of course, and nicely decorated... But I'm not so hot for that design - not even in the movie. I feel like her signature colors are in the sphere of green - khaki - red; just like Elsa's signature colors are teal - purple - blue. Giving Anna that purple cape doesn't sit right with me