Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
*hug* sorry you missed out, that really sucksI think your best bet would be to wait until they're released in October (everybody always freaks out and spends crazy amounts right after it sells out) and if they're still super expensive, then wait for the off-season (after Christmas and before summer) 'cause that's when you're going to find the best deals
Check the official German Disney page on Facebook, they announced the amount Europe will get there.Out of interest, does anyone know if Disney have confirmed the edition size Europe will be getting? I've tried searching, but come up with nothing!
Since we're already moving past the escapade that was LE 17" Aurora, quick discussion question. There is speculation Prince Phillip will get the same treatment that Eric did. Am I the only one worried about his sculpt and hair? I must admit that I hate the FTDC Phillip sculpt, and his previous isn't all that good. Plus, his hair seems as if it would be hard to style. What so you all think?
Out of interest, does anyone know if Disney have confirmed the edition size Europe will be getting? I've tried searching, but came up with nothing!
Thanks very much Luna![]()
I really don't like being a party pooper haha, I guess I just get quite invested in this hobby.
I will try to see if I can get one from the UK site, shipped to a family member in England and then to me in Australia. If not, then ebay I shall resort. I just refuse to pay $600 for any doll - that's what I paid for Snow White and, to me, none of these dolls match her beauty so I won't pay the same price. If not... I shall do as you suggest - off season ebay (or pray to goodness someone on here managed to get one more than they wanted/needed and would like to resell).
I'm thinking that they're going to to do the red and black outfit from the end of the movie. To match Aurora. Honestly, I hope that Phillip and Maleficent match Aurora in style. I love TLM LE's individually, but together they don't seem to have the same idea. Aurora is my first LE 17" doll, (I have the two SB designer dolls) and I'm really excited for what they're going to do. I would die to see him with a VERY stylized sword and shield. I wouldn't mind if Phillip had sculpted hair, because I just love his hair. But again, I just want a decent face mold.Hmm... I haven't thought much of Philip to be honest. I wonder if he will be in the outfit that he meets Aurora in in the woods. In that case, he might be wearing a hat?? So I guess his hair wouldn't be toooo hard to style. I'm not overly fussed on the poofy mess that is Eric's hair, so I'm kind of hoping he has a sculpted head.
It's allowed to buy more than one doll as long as it is separate orders on the US page, so they should be shipping them.Something about this whole thing just seems so strange to me. I get that Aurora has a fan base, as I love her too, but there is NO way I am believing that she is so popular that she sold out almost faster than Anna and Elsa. If people on eBay have multiple for sale, then its possible that the site glitched and some people actually got to buy more than one. But I am sure the Disney Store wont actually ship out more than one if that is what happened.
Super gratz! Very happy for you ^^Holy smack.... I got her... Thank you so much! I also got a confirmation email, so that's a definite yes right?