Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information

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Limited Edition 17" Collector Dolls Information
Any word if there is other Frozen merchandise coming out tonight too?
Any word if there is other Frozen merchandise coming out tonight too?

I dont think there will be much else coming out tonight as it is an off release night, usually major releases happen earlier in the week. If there were to be anything else it would just be restocking of sold out items?

I am still hoping for the double pack of the Disney infinity figures. Anyone know if they are going to restock those? Or are they done?

Only about 2 more hours to go, anyone want to have a guess as to when this site will start getting flooding with "guests"? Is it usually 5-10 minutes before the release or 30-60 minutes before hand? Would be interesting to track something like that.
I dont think there will be much else coming out tonight as it is an off release night, usually major releases happen earlier in the week. If there were to be anything else it would just be restocking of sold out items?

I am still hoping for the double pack of the Disney infinity figures. Anyone know if they are going to restock those? Or are they done?

Only about 2 more hours to go, anyone want to have a guess as to when this site will start getting flooding with "guests"? Is it usually 5-10 minutes before the release or 30-60 minutes before hand? Would be interesting to track something like that.

You can get the infinity figures from other websites I believe. I got mine from futureshop.
I wish there was a way to block "guests" an hour before and after a release time!

.... Getting more nervous as the night progresses.
too bad there wasn't a mass pm available to send links to members who have proven they are collectors rather than a public share. That would deter the sharks from crashing the site if they were not getting any info from it.
So tonight my husband invited a couple over (he's friends with the husband) and I asked the wife (24 years old) if she liked Disney stuff. She said yes and then proceeded to tell me about how she went and saw Frozen and it's her new favorite Disney movie. SO, I thought she may like to see my bedroom with my Little Mermaid collection and my LE Mermaid dolls. I just put up a shelf on the wall today to put my LE Mermaid dolls on with all of my Disney ornaments hanging off of it, so I kind of wanted to "show it off." I was SOOO excited as I showed to her my room, and then I turned and saw her face . . . Yeah, not everyone thinks that Disney collections are cool. She didn't say anything. Just kind of said, "Hm." She did mention she liked Beauty and the Beast when she saw my LE Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts. Another friend of mine who came over yesterday, saw my collection and actually gasped with awe. Not everyone will like Disney collections, but I love it when people do :)
Yeah I had a few people look at my Christmas tree, like "that's allot of disney" in monotone, then a few people like "OMG where did you get the ornaments??"? its so much fun to find people who can get passionate about hobbies.
So tonight my husband invited a couple over (he's friends with the husband) and I asked the wife (24 years old) if she liked Disney stuff. She said yes and then proceeded to tell me about how she went and saw Frozen and it's her new favorite Disney movie. SO, I thought she may like to see my bedroom with my Little Mermaid collection and my LE Mermaid dolls. I just put up a shelf on the wall today to put my LE Mermaid dolls on with all of my Disney ornaments hanging off of it, so I kind of wanted to "show it off." I was SOOO excited as I showed to her my room, and then I turned and saw her face . . . Yeah, not everyone thinks that Disney collections are cool. She didn't say anything. Just kind of said, "Hm." She did mention she liked Beauty and the Beast when she saw my LE Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts. Another friend of mine who came over yesterday, saw my collection and actually gasped with awe. Not everyone will like Disney collections, but I love it when people do :)

Great story, made me laugh. I usually get the same reaction! I don't know how many times I've told my co-workers I collect dolls/Disney and when I show them a photo of a new release they are like, "Oh, you collect toys?"
Yeah I had a few people look at my Christmas tree, like "that's allot of disney" in monotone, then a few people like "OMG where did you get the ornaments??"? its so much fun to find people who can get passionate about hobbies.

Nice! planning on doing that next year ^^ which surprisingly my sister suggested
So tonight my husband invited a couple over (he's friends with the husband) and I asked the wife (24 years old) if she liked Disney stuff. She said yes and then proceeded to tell me about how she went and saw Frozen and it's her new favorite Disney movie. SO, I thought she may like to see my bedroom with my Little Mermaid collection and my LE Mermaid dolls. I just put up a shelf on the wall today to put my LE Mermaid dolls on with all of my Disney ornaments hanging off of it, so I kind of wanted to "show it off." I was SOOO excited as I showed to her my room, and then I turned and saw her face . . . Yeah, not everyone thinks that Disney collections are cool. She didn't say anything. Just kind of said, "Hm." She did mention she liked Beauty and the Beast when she saw my LE Cogsworth, Lumiere, and Mrs. Potts. Another friend of mine who came over yesterday, saw my collection and actually gasped with awe. Not everyone will like Disney collections, but I love it when people do :)

All my dolls are in my bedroom, except for my BRAVE collection which always gets some interesting faces from visitors LOL but close friends and family already know I have gone doll crazy and they understand because they see I'm happy :)
The ornaments that they keep releasing are awesome I love the princess ornaments with the fabric skirts, I hope Anna and Elsa get one each next year :). Also I'm pretty sure Frozen ornaments will be out at Hallmark next year too. I cant wait to see them. I hope they do a Sven and Kristoff one.
Great story, made me laugh. I usually get the same reaction! I don't know how many times I've told my co-workers I collect dolls/Disney and when I show them a photo of a new release they are like, "Oh, you collect toys?"

That's pretty funny, it made me laugh because my mom thinks the same thing, that they are just toys and she doesn't understand why I would spend my money on them. That's why I LOVE this forum . . . everyone gets excited about the same things I get excited for as well. That's another reason I am trying to finish displaying my collection, so I can post a picture of it here or on the FB page (I can't seem to figure out how to post an image here, it will only post a picture in my profile page but no where else).
That's pretty funny, it made me laugh because my mom thinks the same thing, that they are just toys and she doesn't understand why I would spend my money on them. That's why I LOVE this forum . . . everyone gets excited about the same things I get excited for as well. That's another reason I am trying to finish displaying my collection, so I can post a picture of it here or on the FB page (I can't seem to figure out how to post an image here, it will only post a picture in my profile page but no where else).

I'm lucky because my boyfriend understands it (he collects toys too), but no one else really does. My mom would alternately tell me she "loves" a new piece and then say that she hates "plastic crap" within the same day, not too hard to read between the lines there LOL. I know what you mean abbot pictures, I live in rain central so even when I snap a shot it comes out dark :(
I have a feeling DPF is going to crashed again..... By the number of people who is already here...... So I want to wish every collector best luck while I can still post/ get in here :hug:
I always get told they are beautiful dolls but then get scolded for spending a lot of money on them lol I don't have an issue on spending the money, to me its worth it. But I guess I can understand that not all people share my addiction lol I have mine on display in the front living room, people are ALWAYS awe struck by them lol My boyfriend and I collect them together :) He's super excited for the Elsa doll! Im on the laptop and he is currently on his computer lol TEAM WORK! Haha. If we miss them tonight then he's willing to go to wait at the Disney store while I'm at work to order them .
I'm lucky because my boyfriend understands it (he collects toys too), but no one else really does. My mom would alternately tell me she "loves" a new piece and then say that she hates "plastic crap" within the same day, not too hard to read between the lines there LOL. I know what you mean abbot pictures, I live in rain central so even when I snap a shot it comes out dark :(
I was showing my husband the pictures of the classic Anna doll (12 inch) and the LE Anna (snow gear) and he said he couldn't see the difference. I was like "What?!" I thought it was pretty obvious, but apparently not if you don't care about dolls. I understand about rain central. I grew up near Seattle (Milton) and my whole family lives there. I am in Texas (Husband is at school) so my problem is it is too bright, and I have a hard time getting good pictures. I actually had an easier time taking pictures when I was in WA. I sure miss that place. I wish I was there now, because then I would have a Disney Store that I would be able to go to. I thought about sending my brother money to get some dolls for me in WA, but I didn't want to bother him.
I was showing my husband the pictures of the classic Anna doll (12 inch) and the LE Anna (snow gear) and he said he couldn't see the difference. I was like "What?!" I thought it was pretty obvious, but apparently not if you don't care about dolls. I understand about rain central. I grew up near Seattle (Milton) and my whole family lives there. I am in Texas (Husband is at school) so my problem is it is too bright, and I have a hard time getting good pictures. I actually had an easier time taking pictures when I was in WA. I sure miss that place. I wish I was there now, because then I would have a Disney Store that I would be able to go to. I thought about sending my brother money to get some dolls for me in WA, but I didn't want to bother him.

It is really hit or miss here with doll releases, but at least we have 2 close Disney Stores in the Puget Sound area. I'm nervous to hit the store tomorrow, but Washington people don't push or trip - they try to guilt you into giving them your rare/LE item to buy because "their kid NEEDS it", happens to us when we go to special releases (and it isn't like we ever even buy multiples, seriously), so hopefully it will go smoothly.
I always get told they are beautiful dolls but then get scolded for spending a lot of money on them lol I don't have an issue on spending the money, to me its worth it. But I guess I can understand that not all people share my addiction lol I have mine on display in the front living room, people are ALWAYS awe struck by them lol My boyfriend and I collect them together :) He's super excited for the Elsa doll! Im on the laptop and he is currently on his computer lol TEAM WORK! Haha. If we miss them tonight then he's willing to go to wait at the Disney store while I'm at work to order them .
About 8 years ago, I started donating plasma, and with that money, I would buy all of my dolls/items for my collection. That way I didn't feel bad about spending "hard earned money." I can look at certain things in my collection and say, "that took me 5 donations, or that only took me 1 donation." I don't do that now, but it was fun when I did it, plus, plasma is used to make life saving medications, so I didn't feel bad about doing it. Then, when my mom or someone would say, "How much did you spend on that?" I would say, "nothing, I donated plasma for it :) " That is great you have your boyfriend helping you, and it is really neat that he collects them too. Good luck tonight, I am sure with your team work you will get them ;) TEAM Work: Together Everyone Achieves More :) That's what I always say.
I always get told they are beautiful dolls but then get scolded for spending a lot of money on them lol I don't have an issue on spending the money, to me its worth it.

Same here! My mom raised her eyebrows at me earlier when I told her I was staying up until past 3 for the pre-order. She was like, "Wow you must really want this thing."
It is really hit or miss here with doll releases, but at least we have 2 close Disney Stores in the Puget Sound area. I'm nervous to hit the store tomorrow, but Washington people don't push or trip - they try to guilt you into giving them your rare/LE item to buy because "their kid NEEDS it", happens to us when we go to special releases (and it isn't like we ever even buy multiples, seriously), so hopefully it will go smoothly.

That is always the most annoying thing. I HATE guilt trips! How do you know your kid will appreciate it more than me? Has HE/SHE been waiting and speculating and hoping and dreaming just for the tiniest picture or sliver of info? Do they sit up till 3:00 A.M. on the internet the night of and sit in agony until the dreaded hour? I don't think so! I can at the very least love and want something just as bad as your child, so I don't need your guilt trips!

Sorry, really touchy subject with me since I go to WDW all the time. I have officially NEVER seen one parade with a good view even though I automatically stand in the back for kids. However, parents will come up 3/4 of the way in, and suddenly you're the bad guy for having been standing in that spot for the past twenty minutes at the very back without complaint and it was they who chose to stop and watch at the very end and suddenly you're in their way! And I'm just standing there like:
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