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Lion King PODM

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Lion King PODM


New DPF Member
Rating - 97.1%
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Dayton, OH
I am currently watching a bid on the bay for a pre-sale on the Lion King PODM that ends soon. Since I live in Ohio this is my only way of getting these pins since I do not have the means to go to WDW every month to get one and I'm newly starting this collection. All older pins i do know I have to get on the bay. But with the Lion King, i would have to pay double for it and its not even out yet. I don't want anyone to think i'm sounding like a beggar, but would anyone be willing to pick me up a LK PODM? I could send money for it before it comes out plus shipping cost and a little extra for getting. If anyone can help it would be great. Thank you.
Wait for caligirl's list (if she puts one together for this). She charges a $5 handling fee (per order, I think, not per pin)
as crazy as this pin is going to be... (again, as always at DLR). as long as the pre-order is not to high, you might want to do that. especially if its a Fl. seller. Us california traders are having a hard time picking up enough for everyone. Or set up a pre buy/trade with a WDW person.
send me your info, i am having my boyfriend's brother pick some up for me, and will try to get you the best scene that i can.
i will get it for you at price, don't pay double to those out there getting these pins just to make money. they ruin pin trading for some of you guys not close to the parks. (now i am not saying caligirl is one of them, just wanted to clarify that, she is not seling them at double their price).

PM me and we can figure out the paypal stuff since i have never done paypal payments before, i don't usually pick up pins for people but i am not letting you pay twice the price for a pin that there is no 4 hour line for and that is not sold out. that is ridiculous.
A question about this release: will you be able to purchase them at the California Adventure Park as well?

My thanks in advance.

I can try and help out. I've been getting Austin's pins and a bunch of other DPF members. I'm pretty reliable.
Yeah, I don't think Lion King will be as crazy as the last two. And even those, I've walked into the Pin Traders at noonish and picked up several with friends.

One of us can snag you one- and even if something happens and all these offers bottom out (unlikely), I think you'll find one on eBay after the release for cheaper than double.
Hi Alexa
Can you grab me one too??You know I would love a great scene and you know I am good for it..PM me please

This is really nice of you!
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