DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood - Christmas Sweets release

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thats what its like here in AZ this morning... FREEZING!! I got to work and had to make myself some hot chocolate to try to warm up.
I love how this thread went from being the pin release to comparing the weather across the world :lol:
I guess that is the sign of a smooth and successful pin release! If we can't complain about pins, we'll complain about the weather - he, he. Kind of nice for a change! Laughing with you ; )
That was a nice release! I was done by 7:20 =) The hot chocolate was a very nice gesture and very tasty. So beyond excited that there was WIR in this release. Love the pins (lots of glitter!)
Stopped by about an hour ago and bought the whole set... Still plenty, but some people were just buying Vanellope and Jess... Those will go first (of course).

I was told the rest of the Dec flyer 'was being worked on right now', so with any luck maybe something later today or over the weekend...

If anyone is making a return trip or one later on the day, and wants to pick me up a vanellope (close to cost), I'd happily pay for it + shipping :) just thought I'd ask...glad you all got what u wanted and more importantly, are out of the California cold
Just left GSF 1/2 hr ago and they still had all 4, check the pin, especially Vanellope, the gum drop areas. Kanga and Roo still ptd, and Belle still Toys for Tots
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