DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood : DSF Diner Series Pins

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DSF/DSSH Live from Hollywood : DSF Diner Series Pins
thanks for all the updates steve. i hope to get your inside info for WIR. I want to make it down for that and sounds like it takes a plan now. any pointers would help a lot. thanks agian
The next two releases will most likely be handing out wristbands for the Friday releases (Nightmare Marquee / Halloween Chrshire and Wreck-It Ralph pins which includes a Marquee)

OMG :facepalm: And it all starts again :banghead: 2 days off for the wristband and release :crazy: all for this guy? :cheshire:

Yes, Yes i will be there. Let the :soapbox: threads begin.

No surprise pin today :(
Thank you DSF!! :bowdown:
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what time do we need to b there for WIR??? its a 2 hour drive for me... do i need to stay the night or get up in the buttcrack of the morning??
I like how this thread turned into a thread for the next 2 pin releases lol xP

I sadly can't attend considering I'm on the east coast, but I really want 2 of the WIR pins, specifically these 2:


I have been asking around on the forums to see if anyone can pick me up either of those (or both), I just don't want to lose out on these 2 :( I can pay anyone back who can get one of each for me, or just one of them. PM me if anyone can help me out.

I'm also looking for this one, but I think this one will be more wanted in the end so it is okay if someone can't help me on this one but I really do like this one as well:

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