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ZAPPED! Major ZAP from E-Bay??? What the???

ZAPPED! Major ZAP from E-Bay??? What the???


Well-Known DPF Member
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Oregon Coast
:eek2:Talk about our jaws hitting the table..!!!!

Since when do you buy something from our 2nd favorite auction house and it comes with a ZAP???:confused:

I know in our Amazing DPF Auction House, there are often stories of extra pins and things like that, but from E-Bay????

Perhaps a seller sometimes throws in an extra little surprise for you...(We got a smashed penny once... lol)... But to get an awesome Tinkerbell pin my wife loves??? Then to get it wrapped perfectly in bubbles with the word ZAP on it a couple times... Holy Cow!!!

I would say the sellers name on EBay, but this seller is all mine...LOL... Whoever this mystery seller is... They Rock!!!!:rock:

So here is the Zap we got from E-Bay...

It is the Disney Shopping Door Series Tinker Bell Pin... Just Awesome..!!:hsd:

Big Thanks out to that secret seller...!!!
Wow that is one awesome ZAP. I know that some sellers are great, but this was a super pin to just send you. Hope you didn't have to spend an arm and a leg to get the freebie:)