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Mike wants to get a closer look at the footprints as he is starting to build an image of a culprit in his mind. He is waiting for the chief to let him in the cave for a closer look!!
*Chessie, who is still inside the cave, hovering above the messed-up crime scene so as not to further disturb it, grins in a mix of hidden relief and welcome when King Louie and the other detectives start to arrive. He silently gestures with his flashlight to the footprints, illuminating what could be lion cub prints mixed in among the other mess of foot prints left carelessly among the crime scene.*

Chessie: 'I don't know whether the evidence points to lion or just lying, but it certainly suggests that Kiara has been here, don't you think?'
Aurora and Eeyore see Figment as they were waiting for him to arrive.
They get word that Snow White and Abu will also be joining them.
They decide to wait for them as Aurora has arranged for a Jeep to take them through Africa and can make all of the stops they want with out tourists aboard.

Aurora hears about the paw prints things are getting very interesting now.
"Abu, you want us to go to Rafikki's Petting Zoo? But they might need us at ...". Before Snow White can finish her sentence, Abu stops her. "Oh! You think there are enough detectives at Everest now? Hmmm, maybe you do have a point! If the detectives find more information, they will let us know...I guess we CAN visit the animals AND investigate for any new clues.", says Snow White.

Abu smiles at Snow White. They both get on Carpet and go to the Petting Zoo. On the way, SW texts Chief Louie to tell him that she, Abu, and Carpet are going to Rafikki's Petting Zoo. She also texts that if either group finds anything new, to let the other group know.

*Arriving at the entrance of the ice cave, Chief Louie gets a report from Tink and Chessie hovering over the scene. Chessie has photographed the scene and documented every footprint. It seems there are five different sets in the cave. Three have been ruled out as they are from Pluto, Mike and Pascal. It seems they wondered through the cave earlier without noticing the small prints present. The other two sets still haven't been identified, most likely the large prints belong to the Yeti and the small possibly to a lion cub. *

"Everyone be careful where you step. I need casts of the large and small footprints." *Looking around the cave Chief Louie spots a LARGE pile of snow beneath a ledge. "Hey doesn't that pile of snow over there look out of place in someway?"
Pluto feels just as bad as Mike. How could he have missed this? After seeing the large pile of snow that Louie points out he goes over and starts sniffing around the edges to see if he can pick up any scents. "It does seem very strange to have this pile of snow here" Although he can't remember seeing it earlier.
Pascal is dihartend with the Knowledge that he disturbed the foot prints and blames mike as he should have spotted the prints with his big eye. Pascal is wondering whos foot prints they are.
*Still hovering in the air, Chessie directs his flashlight at the pile of snow under the ledge that King Louie indicated under the blackest corner of the cave. When the light illuminates the corner, it highlights an unusual pile of snow that looks almost like ... .*

Chessie: 'Everyone stay back ... this crime scene has been messed with enough ... and I don't think this part has been contaminated yet.'

*Levitating over to take a closer look but being very careful not to touch anything, Chessie trails his light over the pile of snow. With the light fully on the snow, it looks almost like something could be buried beneath it. Chessie turns to King Louie, one eyebrow raised and a questioning grin on his face, clearly asking the King how he wants to proceed with this investigation from here.*
*Louie wanting to encourage his detectives goes over to Pascal.*"Hey colorful cousin don't let it get you down. The Yeti's prints were noticeable, but those small prints are hard to see. It's funny though, I don't see any others besides those and you three detectives."
After taking a large sniff and not really coming up with anything. If there is something buried beneath the large mass of snow then he can't pick up the scent. There is simply to much snow. He backs up and joins Chessie in looking at King Louie and wondering what we should do next. He starts to get even more nervous....
'I would dig with my hands, but it looks too cold.'

Mike imagines what could be under the snow?? Is this an opportunity to score brownie points with Louie and the other detectives??
*Gathering round the pile of snow, Chief Louie begins to dig slowly and carefully.* "Everyone dig slowly and carefully...If you spot any clues as we dig bagem and tag em."
Pluto starts to dig. But finds it hard to dig slowly as he's a dog. He eventually finds it in his ability to have self control and keeps moving the snow out slowly keeping his nose as low as possible to try and sniff out any clues that may be buried beneath. He barks to the others to start digging!
Basil dons his leather gloves and starts to dig. He is hoping to find a small pocket that would allow him easy access to in the interior due to his diminutive size.
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*Chessie still hovers above the detectives, watching them slowly and carefully dig through the pile of snow. He suddenly has to move in order to dodge a bunch of cast-off snow that is discarded in his direction that may or may not have deliberately been tossed at him. When he disappears and reappears, floating on the other side, he has a completely different perspective and thinks he can make out what might be ... .*

Chessie: 'Stop digging for a second ... . Does that look like a ... wing ... to you?'

*Once Chessie trails the flashlight on the specific spot, a closer look from the new point of view indicates that the detectives have uncovered a black leathery wing.*

Chessie: 'That would mean that Chernabog, or what's left of him, is under this snow. Somehow fitting, burying him in a mountain, don't you think?'

*Chessie shrugs and looks down at the detectives still digging.*
Pluto stops digging at the revelation that Chernabog is buried under the snow. He starts to get sad at the thought that a detective has been found dead. Hopefully no other detectives will be found this way he hopes. "Hopefully we can gather some evidence from his body too" he thinks.
*Louie stops digging.* "Now that's a COOL way to go!!"

OOC*Chernabog was killed off for not meeting the first post count. A clue should follow soon. I am off to work now but will see how things are going after work.
After getting a reply from Snow and she agrees to go to Raffiki's Planet, Abu slides over so there is room for her. He sighs at her as she didn't get what he was trying to explain but since they are going he shrugs and directs Carpet using the park map. As they get closer they pass over the train that transports guests to and from Rafikki's planet.
Basil scurries out of the tunnel he has dug and inspects the wing. "My word! What are we up against? To dispatch a full-grown lion and a demon of Chernabog's ilk. The reponsible party has to be quite powerful or incredibly intelligent. Or both."

Basil lights his pipe and contemplates the ominous possibilities that await them.
*Now that the digging has temporarily stopped, Chessie settles back, still floating in the air, and considers the situation along with Basil.*

Chessie: 'We have one lion who literally lost his head, one lioness who figuratively lost hers ... but we hardly can blame the killer for Nala's irrational reaction, now can we? ... and now Chernabog, deceased from as of yet unknown causes. But is it more likely that the killer is extremely powerful and/or intelligent ... or that she just got extremely lucky and was able to carry out these murders, do you think?'

*Chessie grins and looks at the other detectives, wondering what they think, while looking around and checking to see if anything else has been uncovered.*
Tink watches as the digging starts. she is shivering with the cold and wishes she sould have dressed a little warmer.then she sees the black wing poking out of the shrinking snow pile. Poor chernabog. Must be a pretty strong female to have murdered him. Tink flies over with a plastic sheet so they can cover him up once all the snow is off him. tink starts to take pictures as more of him is uncovered and calls the dsi coroner to come out.
Aurora, Eeyore and Figment were in the middle of their safari when they got the text about Chernabog. "Wow It must take a very powerful female to take those two down. I wonder if maybe this female has some magic up her sleeve."

Meanwhile this trio has talked to a few of the animals around Africa. But it is hard to tell which ones actually know nothing and which are only saying the know nothing.

Aurora sends a text out to the group **Have we gotten any info back from the lab about that fur?"