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ZAPPED! My first official, official zap!

ZAPPED! My first official, official zap!


Active DPF Member
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By the Lake
A couple days ago I got a message from Judy, aka Tiggermicky, she wanted to apologize for ruining the secret of it, but wanted to make sure I had got her very special mystery zap, well the mystery was gone, which is OK, I'm glad to be able to thank her, but the thought has come through loud and clear. Tonight after being hidden away since Thurs I opened my very first official official pin zap.


Thanks so much Judy! And it it's OK with you I'd like to give the keychain locket to my mom. She loves the color purple and I'm sure would love to put a picture of my niece and nephew inside to have with her always. I'd like to pass the spirit of the gift forward to my mom.
Ok, whats a zap?

A zap is when someone (a 'zapper') sends a pin to someone (the 'zappee') for no reason whatsoever. The pin can be just a random pin, a pin off the 'zappee's' wants list, or a grail ... it doesn't matter. The point is that the pin zap is completely unexpected (usually) and nothing is expected in exchange; it's an example of a RAOK (Random Act of Kindness).
You are so VERY welcome..I love that locket keychain..Aand yes pass it onto your MOM that would be so cool...and I like the pin too
I am glad they came as a set when I purchased them too
