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ZAPPED! My Very First Zap by Queen and Sgtbilko! :)

ZAPPED! My Very First Zap by Queen and Sgtbilko! :)


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I had an amazing mail day today! I was so happy to see that a package from England came in the mail!

I bought this beauty of a pin from Sgtbilko and Queen which they got for me on their trip to Disneyland Paris!

Then, they sent me this pin out of the goodness of their hearts!

You are the sweetest, Queen and Sgtbilko!! Don't ever forget that! You made my day so special and I can't thank you both enough!
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I just wanna make a small correction. This zap is all Queen. I had nothing to do with it
Queen wanted you to have an extra pin as she's grateful for the help/kindness you have given/shown her

Kind regards
I just wanna make a small correction. This zap is all Queen. I had nothing to do with it
Queen wanted you to have an extra pin as she's grateful for the help/kindness you have given/shown her

Kind regards
It was still very nice of both of you to pick up pins for me on your trip If there is ever anything I can do, please let me know