New collections help!?
Hi! I have greatly expanded my wants list for a few new lanyards I'm trying to put together. If you have ANY of these pins below and would like to make a trade or sale offer, please PM me! I'm willing to trade nicely for most of them so please don't be afraid to ask! Also willing to trade multiples for some. The first three sections go in order of PRIORITY I am likely to trade very well for the first few on each list.
Briar Rose:
"Sleeping" beauty:
Cinderella (new collection! I have one pin right now thanks to catburger!)
Animated Features Collection! I only need one from each movie! I've gotten pocahontas, oliver and sword in the stone so far. Long way to go!
Briar Rose:
"Sleeping" beauty:
Cinderella (new collection! I have one pin right now thanks to catburger!)
Animated Features Collection! I only need one from each movie! I've gotten pocahontas, oliver and sword in the stone so far. Long way to go!
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