New wdw alice pins

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New wdw alice pins


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San Diego CA
I need some help from some one who is a WDW person since us here @ DLR aren't getting these cool pins I would like to either buy them , trade for them , or I could buy some DLR pins you want for them please if someone could grab these for me that would be awesome .

These are awesome pins !! I am not sure when they come out though. I'll check pinpics for dates.

If I see them while I am there, I will pick them.
I'm Disney bound every week so I should be able to obtain them for you.
I will let you know if anything happens.
I'll be in WDW 9/24-10/02 leaving on 2nd. I will pick one for you if and when I see it. On 1st we'll be in Epcot, they should hopefully have it at the Pin Stop or whatever it is called, LOL! I think Chesi is coming out in Nov, wish I could stay in WDW that long.
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