New Years White Elephant Gift Exchange...........Steal Shamelessly!!!

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Good night to those going to bed! I'm going to take a shower and then send out PMs. Please let me know what you think of the rules I created. If you don't like them, feel free to suggest something else! :)
A huge thank you to everyone for such a fun game!!! Thank you to Angel for letting me help moderate this baby, and to Kupo for helping out!!! And another big thank you to Angel for allowing us to continue the stealing madness!!! :D Angel, YOU ROCK DUDE! Double hugs the next time I see you guys :)
I know we are done with the official New Years White Elephant game and some of you great members will be participating this morning in round two of the Steal Shamelessly game here on the thread about 10:00 AM.

I just wanted to follow up on our next PODM game that will run during the weekend from January 18th through January 21st.

A break down of the PODM game categories where players with grail scenes can choose any mystery number they want. Lower valued PODM's submitted will only be able to choose from their range and lower. Further, details will be presented on a new thread tomorrow.

Players with PODM scenes between $200- $300 Number you choose will be in red

Players with PODM scenes between $150- $200 Number you choose will be in blue

Players with PODM scenes between $100- $150 Number you choose will be in green

Players with PODM scenes between $50- $100 Number you choose will be in purple

All remaing PODM scenes under $50 Number you choose will be in black

Submissions will begin tomorrow as well and we will accept submissions up until January 15th
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I'm here, everyone :) There's a piece of 'rule' I forgot to include in the PM. The first person who decides to steal, if the person they're stealing from doesn't want to swap, the first person's original pin will then become the WILD CARD. If it's your turn and you wish to steal the wild card, you can, and then pick the next person who gets to steal. The WILD CARD can still only be stolen twice, then it is locked down. So let's start!! Would you guys like to do a randomizer to see who goes first, or do you just want to pick someone?
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