Official Moana Merchandise!
Ack those are so adorable!!Yay! Found them today. Oh man my Game Stop only received 1 :O! So happy to have them they're so cool! They didn't have the normal individual ones yet, I think I want Maui to go with thisDon't know why but I love love the catamaran, I also want the doll version of it ^^
I'll chime in and say it's definitely not Maui's movie. It's very clearly Moana's.Thank you disneychick23 and timeerkat !
Glad to hear it is not "The Maui Movie (featuring Moana)." I was so afraid of that. It still sounds like that's a LOT of Maui in the movie for my taste (nothing agsinst him, just indifferent to him and really excited about Moana's possibilities... I really wanted this movie to be about her) but it sounds like it's not what I feared from the trailers I've seen (which are all Maui, basically). Thanks for soothing my worries, now I can anticipate watching this with calmer mind![]()
I'm not good with guessing exactly how far it is into a movie when I watch it in a theater, so I don't know exactly how far along it is when Maui finally respects her. That being said, there are NUMEROUS times he disses her before respecting her. He does NOT respect her at first, but he changes throughout the movie.Quasimodo , thanks for that info.
In that case, what I'm hoping for now is that it isn't a plotline like I assume from the trailers (where Maui is rude to Moana and she has to spend more than the halfway point of the movie trying to get him to respect/work with her), like one of the big "rewards" at the end of the movie for Moana is that this large guy finally respects her.
In the trailers I see her having to manipulate him to get him to do what she needs and I find that disempowering, it makes me worry about that idea from a lot of other movies, that females can't lead by default, and the larger male is always really in direct power and dismissive - and if you as a female need to get something done, you need to manipulate the large male into doing so because you're not respected by default - you could only earn his respect by strenuous-almost-killing-yourself-heroism, and that will only come maybe near the last 10% of the movie.
BUT, if that is only for a short period of time and Moana is the natural leader and he is naturally secondary/helping her (e.g., like he is Genie and she is Aladdin) rather than vice versa or power struggle the whole time, then that's totally cool. Like, I don't think Genie took up too much of Aladdin's movie at all, and he (Genie) appeared in the beginning of it as well.
ANYWAY! On a merchandise topic:
I got the classic Moana doll and she is beautiful! Love all her detail. Classic Elena (got her too) is beautiful too, I'm really liking the detail they are putting into the classic dolls now, much better than they're doing for many of the older movie classic dolls (hopefully to be corrected to match in coming years).
I am only disappointed in Moana's legs which are PVC click legs and don't click much. She also has holes in the bottom of her feet - bad combo. I REALLY wish that she had been given articulated knees because she badly needs them. She does not wear shoes and cannot wear any other doll's shoes (including ken/boy dolls) and without articulation she can only sit with her feet soles directly facing you, which looks terrible despite the rest of her having such great detail. So her flat soles with big holes in them is really in-your-face. I'm thinking maybe I can do a "sandy feet" on her similar to her LE doll to play this down.
I wonder if her LE doll has articulated knees?
I want to end on a positive note: I LOVE LOVE LOVE this doll's hair! And the layers of her skirt!
^Those Itty Bittys (Bitties?) are adorable! I love them![]()
^She looks lovely! Great picture!Is her headdress hard to get on and off without mussing her hair? Just curious
Has anyone here taken the classic or singing Moana out of the box and used a stand with her? I bought the singing doll and wanted to make the "designer" style and tried her in one of the cases I bought, but she doesn't fit. It was one for two females, so neither of the stands went around the waist. Does anyone know if the "male" version of the stand would work for her, if so, are there any solo designer dolls that use that style? If not, any ideas? Thanks!