Auction Ended: OMG! GrAiL aLeRt!!! VHTF HaRd To FiNd: BiD YeR HoUsE!! BrEaK ThE FoRuM!!!
Psycho Pixie
Vacations are a grand thing
- Messages
- 7,998
- Location
- 9 minutes from DLR!!!!
:eek2:DiD I GeT YoUr AtTeNtIoN?:eek2:
ThIs SpEcTaCuLaR DiSnEy DrEaMs PiN CoUlD bE YoUr'S!!!!!!!!
BiD yOuR hOuSe
BiD yOuR sPoUsE
:rock:PiNtIcUlArS:ThIs SpEcTaCuLaR DiSnEy DrEaMs PiN CoUlD bE YoUr'S!!!!!!!!
BiD yOuR hOuSe
BiD yOuR sPoUsE
- LiMiTeD eDiTiOn Of OnLy 1000.
- TrAdInG: 53
- WaNtInG: 65 !!!! CrAzY HuH?!?!?!?
- On CaRd!!!!
- PiNs In ThIs SeRiEs Go FoR MaJoR bUcKs On EwBaY!
WiThOuT fUrThEr A-dUe.....
HeRe It Is....
ThEe SpEcTaCuLaR
ThEe AwEsOmE
Pin 66684: DLR - Disney Dreams Collection - The Jungle Book
- LE 100 DA pins!
- ArTiSt PrOoF's!
:nono:WhAt I dOn'T wAnT::
- OpEn EdItIoN
- HiDdEn MiCkEy'S
- FaB 5.
- RaCk PiNs
AuCtIoN eNdS: MoNdAy JaN. 28th
At: 11:59 AM
((and 42 SeCoNdS eXaCtLy))
Psychotically small print:
This auction is for real, it may look like a joke but the pin really IS up for auction and I will be taking bids. Stuff from my wants would be awesome. For those who cannot take a joke about all these insane "grail" auctions... relax. I am tha psycho pixie, I MUST occationally do something insane or people don't stay on their toes. Lets have some fun with this!!! Get in the spirit!!!!