One more discussion to read!
First off I am NOT trying to start drama AT ALL!!!!
So I posted about this earlier and I think we are still at a road block.
I traded for a set of Haunted Mansion Vinyls last Friday. It was actually an auction but you get the idea.
The pins arrived today and I immediately opened the chaser pin bag. It checked out perfect.
The rest of the pins did NOT. There are a bunch of concerns . 1 of them is VERY light and has some borders.
2 of them have some weird dipping going on with the paint on the BACK of the pins.
There is 1 that appears to be alright but still has a black dot on the front of the one.
I am not saying they are fake or scrappers but I just do not feel comfortable completing the deal when I am sending 2 LE pins. 1 is a LE250 and 1 is a LE1000.
I PM this person and they appear to be at the exact opposite point I am at.
They are claiming they bought it in the park/online
They have perfect feedback on pinpics and on here
So maybe I am paranoid? maybe I will be kicked out of this website? Maybe whatever! but I really not liking this deal anymore. I am a nice guy and this person is also very nice.
WE are just stuck right now. I do not know anyone on here personally so I am asking for opinions. NOT STARTING FIGHTS OR DRAMA. Simple opinions. So here is the summary
I put up a auction.
Only 2 bids and this persons was better.
Picked the Haunted Mansion Vinyls
The pins arrived today right before I was shipping out my pins
Checked over all the pins INCLUDING OPENING the chaser
Did not like the way they looked or felt. Asked the person in the trade to let me send his pins back plus pay his shipping cost
Person is not liking that idea at all
This is where we can no come to a solution. I am not standing down and neither is he AT THIS MOMENT AT LEAST
What do you all think ? I am fully prepared to listen to any and all opinions