PinPics Grading Service is Live
Sorry to say this, but take everything Lucann says with a grain of salt. He IS getting paid to be the mouthpiece of PP.
^5's and + a googolplex
Sorry to say this, but take everything Lucann says with a grain of salt. He IS getting paid to be the mouthpiece of PP.
Well, Pixie kind of put on her China hat. She says unbiased but then kind of skews it. I can appreciate her, um, dedication to her opinion, but it was not "unbiased" Switzerland.
I'll try to post a synopsis of rumors and happenings, in a neutral way. But as rumors are usually negative, that's how they may come across, FYI.
Rumors, and actual happenings, with the new owners of PinPics, aka LANSAM, have been on going since they bought PinPics like 18 months ago. Someone who actually cares can put the exact date if they know it.
Things like, wanting pay for an already free service. (While a valid business enterprise, frowned upon by the masses.) Taking away features and information and reserving it for paying customers eventhough the data was free before and was submitted under the pretense it was for public use. Not allowing "groups" on the new site. Requiring you to log onto PinPics to see new Trade Requests (drives traffic to site which makes their site and it's advertising more valuable, exploitation 101.) Removing scrapper warnings on pinpics descriptions. Removing names of pin submitters on Pinpics, some say so it looks less like a public submission and more like PinPics owns the data. Banning accounts for disagreeing with them openly. Sending emails meant to be private that were not flattering and you wouldn't want your mommy reading. Making misleading statements like "Exclusive" pin sales when in fact it was an item open for sale to the public for a while. Trying to prove grading makes sense and instantly makes your pins super valuable. Calling it PinPics Grading Service when in fact they are a middle man and it's really Tomarts. And Questionably selling them at high values in a Hakes auction, where everyone knows the buyer and seller don't know who is who and therefore proof could never be supplied to actually paid that amount.
I will not get into the rumors of one of the actual persons who owns part of PinPics. But there are more rumors, probably on ALOT shakier basis than the above I dare not speak of here.
In general, people don't care for change, especially of a tried and true systemt that works. And usually asking for money for something that has been free all along is not going to win you any fans.
That is like me writing a book about spit, I have a lifetime of experience with it after all, self publishing it and then holding myself out as an author or better yet a spit expert.....come on.
I stick by my original belief that this "service" will fail miserably. I only hope that people that are actually considering using it look into what exactly qualifies these people to seal up your pins in plastic boxes and charge you an obscene amount of money for doing so.
I guess Hakes doesn't allow second chance there must be multiples of those pins..right? They cannot be the same pins..with the same grading score!? Nah...coincidence...
Sorry but I don't understand. What exactly are you saying? Do you think they are the same pins being sold in both auctions?
FYI: the person selling the graded pins on ebay is not affiliated with Lansam in any way that I know of.So lets just table that sort of speculative rumor unless someone can prove something shady... shall we?
Is that actual knowledge or presumption!? If they had their pins made into paperweights..they are involved with Lansam..even if it is an arms-length transaction. While it may be their choice..sounds and smells like drinking the kool-aid to me.
Is that actual knowledge or presumption!? If they had their pins made into paperweights..they are involved with Lansam..even if it is an arms-length transaction. While it may be their choice..sounds and smells like drinking the kool-aid to me.
As an aside and to refresh the history of why LANSAM is evil....
1) Removed the SKU Numbers of various pins at the SAME TIME the fakes were popping up on Ebay;
2) Lenny, the L of LANSAM was convicted of grand theft (in Orange County, CA) Public record; and has/had numerous suits against him for fraud;
3) The An & Sam - Anthony & Samatha were paraded about in the beginning as the owners of Pinpics, when in fact they were puppets who knew very little about pins; and were covering up the true owner being Lenny. (see Figgy original L). Example of acting shady..why not be open about who you are when you bought it.
4) Various strong-arm sending me a Cease & Desist when the truth started to be unveiled.
5) Banning not only people who had opinions contrary to their own; but going after those peoples' innocent friends for no reason other than being associated with those they didn't like...
And so on....
Yes, some of this is circumspect; however there are some here that yell, they want proof of Lansam being shady -and have never established what evidence could one show? my box for now..
These are the most expensive beer coasters I've comed across....
well it's like when pin pics upgraded to being a paid service. People refused in the beginning but slowly conformed.Is this for real? I wonder how many people will actually use this feature.