SOLD! PRE-SALE Las Vegas HotArt Lanyard LE200 Pins
If there’s any chance for another blue aurora, please keep me in mind!
Thank you!!Added to your order.
Thank you!!
Would also be interested if they release a Pink Aurora. I would imagine @xdattax might be interested too.
If you had any left, I'd be interested in these ones:
C2 - Rapunzel full body
C5 - Pascal
E1 - Flynn Rider
G1 - Rapunzel with frying pan
G2 - Mother Gothel
No worries - although, I do not see this as a delay.I won't be able to ship these out until Tuesday. Sorry for the delay, I realized as I started packing that I ran out of some shipping supplies.
Unfortunately watzshakinbacon had to leave the event, so if it is possible to still put myself down for them, I am interested in:
C3 - Ariel mermaid half-body with hair
Conceal pin - blue Aurora
Thank you
I may have an Ariel mermaid. I have to finish taking stock of what I have and will post a new sales thread (since they are no longer pre-sales)