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Question: My Auction

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Question: My Auction


Figaro Fan
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Southern California
So, um, guys. This is a little bit of an awkward subject, and I hope it doesn't come across as whiny or attention-seeking.

I just posted an auction on Friday night for the Designer Princess Shoes, and although its gotten tons of views, there's only been one bid, and absolutely no comments other than that... And I was wondering why.

This is my third auction, so I'm not a complete newbie at this - but I thought this auction would be getting a lot more action as the set has just been released and has a crazy high trades/wants ratio.

I was wondering... Are people not bidding because they're planning on going to the parks and buying the set themselves... Are people waiting to bid until a few days have passed? Or is there another reason I'm overlooking?

Don't worry! I am in no way trying to back out of my auction. (I know that is against the rules, and aside from that, it's just a effed up thing to do.) Nor am I trying to be a Negative Nelly - I don't want anyone's pity. (I should reiterate that I've already got one perfectly fine bid - I'm just curious as to why there haven't been any more bids, or even any comments!)

I'm not posting this to encourage reluctant people to bid, either. (In fact, I would strongly advise NOT bidding on anything unless you're totally sure you want it, and that you can afford to lose any bid you put in.)

I'm just genuinely perplexed, and would like your opinions as to why my auction's not getting much attention. Are the pins not as good as I thought?

Also... So I know for the future... What are some other pins I could buy at Disneyland that would make better auction material?
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Also... So I know for the future... What are some other pins I could buy at Disneyland that would make better auction material?

I would also love an answer to this^

I was going to put a set for this up for auction as well (after yours had run out) but due to the things you've listed it seems like I'll just be holding onto the lovely shoes!
Maybe it's because there are scrapper versions?

Maybe... Perhaps I should mention on my auction that mine is still wrapped in plastic with the Disneyland price tag on?
And I still have the receipt too! I could send that to the winner along with the pins.

Thanks for replying!
Like what Grim said, I've noticed that people bid closer to the ending of the auction. I think people wait it out to see what they have to compete with
Personally, mine is because I live down the street from WDW and plan to get mine there when I see them (no luck so far). I bet you will get plenty of bids - everyone loves the set!
Don't worry. I think everything that's been said so far is totally valid. This is a highly scrapped set so I think most of us have been trying to get our sets straight from the parks one way or another. So knowing where you got yours, that it wasn't from eBay, is a great thing to add. Because of that though, people may already have their sets on the way to them so that would probably account for some not bidding. Plus, add on the late bidders and that's another reason.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned though, and I think it counts here, is that there has been a big upsurge of auctions popping up this week featuring some pretty highly wanted pins, both new and older. So a lot of people may already have a lot of their traders earmarked for other things. It says nothing about your gorgeous shoe set, but since they're OE people are probably trying for the harder to get pins first and thinking they can always try to get the shoes a later time some other way.
Thanks, Nicki!

The original post does say I bought it AT Disneyland and its still wrapped in plastic, but I think I'm going to add a comment saying that I still have the receipt, as well.
As everyone said about the bidding, they'll occur later on. It is similar to Ebay. Have you ever watched an Ebay bid and notice how if the price will go up at all, it escalates quickly at the very end? That is because people don't want to give other people enough time to think about how much they would bid or if it is too much before it is too late. So don't worry, bids will come, when, watch within the last hour I'd assume.
I just want the Rapunzel shoe, that's why I'm not bidding *lol* I'll probably end up getting the set myself at some point and auctioning the other shoes off individually.
I never bid on this auction as I don t do a lot of princesses but I really hope it goes well for you.
I want to bid, but I don't have a single thing on your wants. (So that's why I viewed and didn't bid!)
Hi Mali! Just to let you know, you don't need to bid any of my wants. (Neither of the two bids I've gotten so far have contained anything from my wants list.) I'm also looking for good traders!

Whether you end up bidding or not, though, I really appreciate your input. Thanks for commenting!
Some tips and tricks with auctions:

First have a LARGE wants list. Even when you tell people in the OP that wants list is not needed, folks tend to skip bidding if they dont have things you want. My wants list now includes several retraders, some of my hubbys wants and some wants for other people whom I trade with regularly.

Next, Bright colors, smiley icons, even gif/pics of related subjects (like maybe a pic of the disney princesses in this case) catch the eye and keep the viewer on the OP longer. The longer a person looks at your Auction page, the more likely they are to bid. Go figure.

As someone stated above. There are a bunch of really nice pins, and lots of PODM's up for auction this weekend. When someone bids a pin, they cannot go and bid the same pin on another auction until they know for sure it is not a winning bid. I call it "bid locked".... And lets face it, with so many nice pins up right now, an OE rack set, no matter how wanted, is not going to be bid on when they can bid on an LE HTF pin with the same bid pins.

I run my auctions long, and I know I will not general get much viewing/bidding until the last 48 hours. Most folks run their auctions for 3-4 days max, and try to run them so that the weekend is the last few days. More viewers and Forum activity.

Hope that helps!!

Hey Psycho! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

Yeah, I don't have a very large PinPics wants list - just over 60 pins. :-/ Maybe I'll add some other pins...

I did include cute pictures and gifs on my auction, though! I always try to do that.

Thank you very much for all your advice. My auction doesn't end until next Friday (A full week from the start), so hopefully most of the other auctions for HTF/LE pins will end by then and people won't be "bid locked" anymore.

Here's hoping! :x:
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