Signature wants!
I really need to focus on my collections, and not get distracted by all the pretty pins coming out, so I'd like to trade for the pins on my signature! Please look below and see if you have anything, if so, I'd love to trade and work something out! If I can't trade, I'll probably have to end up selling the traders I have left, which I totally don't want to do, since money is tight, and I can't afford the prices people want anymore.
Thank you in advance!
(If you have any Aurora/Cinderella/Snow White/Tangled/Frozen not in my signature, and want to trade, still send me a pm or an offer!)
Thank you in advance!
(If you have any Aurora/Cinderella/Snow White/Tangled/Frozen not in my signature, and want to trade, still send me a pm or an offer!)