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ZAPPED! So confused... (I think) I was zapped!

ZAPPED! So confused... (I think) I was zapped!


Figaro Fan
Rating - 100%
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Southern California
So today I received this adorable pin today, off of my wish list.


It's the Reveal/Conceal Family Portrait for Peter Pan.

I love it, but it also confuses the heck out of me, because I don't remember trading for it!

The return address says "Nancy Pehrsson" from Anaheim, California... but on the inside of the package, along with the pin, there were several business cards that say "William Morrissey"/PinPicsI ID - Gandorf! (I have never traded with a Gandorf in the past, nor do I remember ever communicating with him for other reasons.) On the business card there's also a little note that says "Your pin ______", "My pin ______" with a bunch of pin numbers, but none of them are pins that I recognize at all.


So.... Is this a zap or a PIF or what? Whatever it is, I think I owe a big thank you to Nancy or William or whoever you are. This pin really made my day! :)
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Congratulations ... I guess ???

Actually gandorf has an e-mail address listed on Pinpics if you'd like to contact them to find out.
I've traded with him before too. Like said, he's very nice. Are the pin numbers on the business cards of pins you used to have or are familiar with?
Mystery solved!!

The package I received was a Pin It Forward from Nancy (also known as NJoysquare) - She recycled an envelope she got from Gandorf, and accidentally left his business cards inside!

Thank you for the pin, Nancy!