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So you think you are so smart, any Ariel fans out there?

So you think you are so smart, any Ariel fans out there?
finally got to upload this picture, but David, you are so kind and thoughtful! Thank you so much! This pin is beyond gorgeous and better in real life than in pictures! Sorry for such a late picture. Things got crazy lately. Thanks again sir David! I think I'll have to join your side when I can contribute to zapping more!
Ahhhh I forgot!!! Here you go And yes.... I did color in Eric's eyebrows. Hahahhaa
Again, David, thank you so much! Love seeing it on my board!
Just a side note- 7 Ariel and Eric pins left!
Okay you 2 only did half of what was supposed to be in the picture. Where are the smiling faces?
Eek. I didn't see that rule until I went back through the thread! Lol. I'll post a new picture in the morning lol, but I have an ugly face :lol: I don't think you guys want to see that :rofl:

As promised! Please excuse the tired eye, just got off work. But I had to put on my mickey ears for the photo, again thank you oh so much David, this has to be one of the cutest Ariel pins I have <33

time to fix that signature!!

As promised! Please excuse the tired eye, just got off work. But I had to put on my mickey ears for the photo, again thank you oh so much David, this has to be one of the cutest Ariel pins I have <33

time to fix that signature!!

Yay, we have our first completed winner!!! Thank you for posting!!! Come on you others, no excuses!! You were given a pin from your siggy's the majority were out of my collection the least you can do is give us a picture of you with it!!!
Oh my gosh!
I only entered for a laugh, I seriously did not think I would win.
It's so kind & generous of you, it has really brought some much needed light to this month for me.

Look what arrived today in the mail!

:bowdown: A wonderful Ariel & Flounder; at long, long… long, long last I get to cross off a pin in my sig. :lol: Yay!
Thank you so much!!!
DAVID! You are crazy!!! What a zap! I never even dreamed of Alva getting picked but you have no idea of how happy you made her. The focus have kind of been on Ida for a while now with the bike and all so when I said that Alva got a zap she just jumped up and down before even seeing it!

First I also want to thank you for my bonus zapps! I love them!!!

Then the pin Alva got zapped with!

And as they say, A picture says more than 1000 words. I think you will see here how happy you made my girl!

But to be really sure you get it she also recorded a video. She knows a fe english words and Thanks sure is one of them.

[video=youtube;--Mz0lHh0RA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--Mz0lHh0RA&amp;list=UUFGJpBjUD2jZ5LWrFXoZ39g&amp;feature=sh are[/video]
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Knowing that Ida has been getting all of the attention I decided that Alva needed something also. I pulled that one out of my collection for her. Now I am even more happy I did that!!! Please give her a big hug for me and thank her for the video!!!

The Minnie's I picked up just for you. So it worked out perfectly to send them all at one time.

I love your video's!!!
Okay so 5 have posted so far, one is on vacation that leaves 2 others that have not posted. I guess I am going to have to dust off my naughty list and put those last two people on it. Being on the Grailslayers naughty list is not a good thing to be on!!!
David I just wanted to say how sorry I am for not posting a picture yet. I took one and tired a few times to put it up and for some reason it would not work. I have no idea if what I was doing was right. My husband knows more about doing that I will have to get him to help me with that tomorrow. Again I am so sorry. I love the pin and cant wait to show it off.